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Pero no es esa la mujer como debe ser; la mujer que nuestro siglo ha redimido de la ignorancia y de la esclavitud; la mujer que ha recibido de Dios una inteligencia, una voluntad y un corazón para que los cultive y perfeccione al objeto de que ella sea, no la sierva del hombre sino su compañera, no la súbdita de un rey sino reina al lado del rey, fieles y constantes aliados desde la cuna hasta el sepulcro, en la hora feliz o en la adversa, no sólo en las intimidades del santuario doméstico, sino también en los abiertos y dilatados espacios de la vida pública.

The Provençal biography informs us that Bertran finally became a monk in the Order of Citeaux. The convent where he spent his last years was the abbey of Dalon, near Hautefort. The cartulary mentions his name at various intervals from 1197 to 1202. In 1215 we have the entry "octavo, candela in sepulcro ponitur pro Bernardo de Born: cera tres solidos empta est."

Et cum hoec dixisset, conversa est retrorsum, et vidit Jesum stantem: et non sciebat quia Jesus est. a series of tragic lieder set to verses of popular Spanish cantares, among others a gloomy sad love-song, like a black flame "Quisiera ser el sepulcro Donde a ti te han de enterrar, Para tenerte en mis brazos Por toda la eternidad."

As I did not know who she was I did not take much notice of it, and after I had finished my coffee I put on my mask and walked towards the Spiaggia del Sepulcro, where M. de Bragadin's gondola was waiting for me. As I was getting near the Ponte del Paglia I saw the same masked woman attentively looking at some wonderful monster shewn for a few pence.

In quem illud elogium: hunc unum plurimae consentiunt gentes populi primarium fuisse virum. Notum est totum carmen incisum in sepulcro. Iure igitur gravis, cuius de laudibus omnium esset fama consentiens. Quem virum nuper P. Crassum, pontificem maximum, quem postea M. Lepidum eodem sacerdotio praeditum vidimus! Quid de Paulo aut Africano loquar, aut, ut iam ante, de Maximo?

As I did not know who she was I did not take much notice of it, and after I had finished my coffee I put on my mask and walked towards the Spiaggia del Sepulcro, where M. de Bragadin's gondola was waiting for me. As I was getting near the Ponte del Paglia I saw the same masked woman attentively looking at some wonderful monster shewn for a few pence.

Time is no more, for I have stepped within the threshold of eternity; each man I meet appears a corse, which will soon be deserted of its animating spark, on the eve of decay and corruption. Cada piedra un piramide levanta, y cada flor costruye un monumento, cada edificio es un sepulcro altivo, cada soldado un esqueleto vivo." His accent was mournful, he sighed deeply.