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The approaches to a sensual mind are through the senses, and the same may be said of all minds in a general way; but the approaches to a sensual mind are only through the senses, and they, being perverted, abused, exhausted, or unduly excited, furnish the utterly unreliable avenues by which truth reaches the soul.

"And, therefore, will we try the effect of it upon his senses." Mr Tinfoil then played the air in "Midas": "Pray, Goody, please to moderate," etcetera. During which Mr Winterbottom looked more sulky than ever. As soon as the air was finished, another of the party responded with his flute, from the other boat while Mr Quince played what he called base, by snapping his fingers.

"'The king, our father's spirit is disturbed with smoke, replied the eldest prince, 'or he never would have sent such an old fellow as you with such an answer as that. What's the use of the use of one's limbs, or one's senses, or all the earth affords delightful to the soul of man, if we're sick of it all?

For strangely emotional and often a creature of his senses, the Bengalee is accessible to spiritual influences with which the worldly-ambitious Brahmanism of the Deccan, for instance, is rarely informed.

How it came into my mind I know not; all I know is that I suddenly awoke and came into possession of all my senses with startling swiftness, so that while I had been sound asleep one moment I was wide awake the next, and looking and listening with very eager and acute perception. Also, my heart was beating hard in my breast, as a man's heart will when he suddenly fronts some great danger.

This, O Brahmana, that thou hast enquired of me is only the result of self discipline. And this self-discipline can only be acquired by subduing the senses. It cannot be otherwise, heaven and hell are both dependent on our senses. When subdued, they lead to heaven; when indulged in, they lead to perdition. This subjugation of the senses is the highest means of attaining spiritual light.

'What are you after? Open the door, he said. 'We shan't not till you've chosen! said Muriel. 'Chosen what? he said. 'Chosen the one you're going to marry, she replied. He hesitated a moment. 'Open the blasted door, he said, 'and get back to your senses. He spoke with official authority. 'You've got to choose! cried the girls. 'Come on! cried Annie, looking him in the eye. Come on!

We are beneath the shade of a large tree, and we do not dream that danger is near us. A frightful scream suddenly scatters our wandering senses. It is a rogue elephant upon us! It was the scream of his trumpet that we heard! and he is right among us. How we should bolt! How we should run at the first start until we could get a gun!

It sets your senses upon edge; you strain your attention; you are clearly and unusually conscious of small sounds near at hand; you walk listening like an Indian hunter; and that voice of the Pacific is a sort of disquieting company to you in your walk. When once I was in these woods I found it difficult to turn homeward.

"Yes, the Captain, he came. And you can reckon for yourself the state he was in. And we were all the same for that matter, all the town was. The engineer, he was out of his senses for a long while, so they told us at the hotel, and when the Captain arrived, the engineer went off inspecting up the river, just because he couldn't bear to talk any more about it."