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"You need not fear, we have much lower to go!" It was the captain's voice, but they could not tell from whence it came. Then they heard again the seductive music, and it was so soothing that they soon fell asleep. They had no idea how long they had slept, but they were awakened by the ringing of a bell and felt the vessel was coming to a stop.

The princess was beautiful and spirited, dexterous and false, perfidious and seductive. She was surrounded by fanatical adorers, upon whom she played off a kind of ferocious coquetry, to induce them to run their heads into grave conspiracies.

The eagerness with which La Briere had met the father, and the flattery of his attention to the family pride of the ex-merchant, showed Canalis his own maladroitness, and determined him to select a special role. The great poet resolved to pretend indifference, though all the while displaying his seductive powers; to appear to disdain the young lady, and thus pique her self-love.

"Beautiful!" He said: "Go on more Chopin!" She began to play again. This time the resemblance between her and 'Chopin' struck him. The swaying he had noticed in her walk was in her playing too, and the Nocturne she had chosen and the soft darkness of her eyes, the light on her hair, as of moonlight from a golden moon. Seductive, yes; but nothing of Delilah in her or in that music.

Other two works by Pigalle, 782, Love and Friendship, and 783, bust of Marshal Saxe, may be noticed before quitting this room. By the seductive and sentimental Canova are 523 and 524, variants of a favourite theme, Love and Psyche.

"What is there so seductive in the mind or the manners of the spider?" "Why, Caroline " "Oh, don't undertake to deny your eccentric taste," she returns, checking a negation on Adolphe's lips. Very well! go on; you will soon see the difference." Do you understand?

People have no idea of the wonderful fairyland concealed by this unpopular title; no conception that these records are intended, not merely for the scientist pure and simple, but in reality for every one. Moreover, the first few volumes were in no way seductive.

"Vaura, my darling, are you rested?" he said, his voice anything but steady. "Yes," she answered dreamily; "but why did you break the spell? it is so seductive here, I half thought you a magician and this a scene of enchantment." "I broke the spell, darling, because I could bear no longer the "

Heresy was the aftermath of the combination of Judaism and Hellenism, and if further disintegration was to be avoided, the seductive Greek influence had to be discouraged. There is always the danger in a mingling of two cultures, that each will lose its particular excellence in a compound which has certain qualities, but not the virtues, of either element.

"Madam," I now returned, edging away from that window with its seductive picture of youthful joy, "before I can settle it I must know certain facts.