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Helena; whereupon Lord Acton remarked that Thiers acknowledged to Guizot, who told Lord Acton, that Napoleon was "un scelerat."

At this instant a note, directed to mademoiselle, was brought into the room: the servant said that Lady Augusta's maid had just found it upon her lady's toilette mademoiselle tore open the note. "Excuse me to my mother you can best plead my excuse. "You will not see me again till I am 'Augusta Dashwood." "Ah scelerat! Ah scelerat!

And, if he did that, of what consequence were the blemishes of his personal character? 'On peut apprendre de bonnes choses d'un scélérat.

Madame Duval looked puzzled, and replied in French, with a laugh, "Is it that you were told that I spoke English by your countryman, Milord Sare Boulby? Petit scelerat, I hope he is well. He sends you a commission for me, so he ought; he behaved to me like a monster." "Alas! I know nothing of Milord Sir Boulby. Were you never in England yourself?"

I did but tell you that he would wed your daughter. And, ma foi! your daughter he has wed." "You have fooled me, scelerat!" he blazed out. "You, who have been sheltered by " "Father!" Yvonne interrupted, taking his arm. "M. de Luynes has behaved no worse than have I, or any one of us, in this matter." "No!" he cried, and pointed to Andrea. "'T is you who have wrought this infamy.

A warm devotion to l'élocution française is easy enough to understand; but Frederick's devotion was much more than warm; it was so absorbing and so intense that it left him no rest until, by hook or by crook, by supplication, or by trickery, or by paying down hard cash, he had obtained the close and constant proximity of what? of a man whom he himself described as a 'singe' and a 'scélérat, a man of base soul and despicable character.

The sentence of the judge would sound more civilized; for, instead of hearing the odious words, "You shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead," words would be pronounced somewhat like these: "You shall be taken to Delmonico, and there and by him be served up on such a day, as scélérat en papillotes."

'You hear, sir, said Berenger, as the man finished: 'I came hither to seek my wife, the Lady of Ribaumont. 'Eh! exclaimed the cure, 'do I then see M. le Marquis de Nid de Merle? 'No! cried Berenger; 'no, I am not that scelerat! I am her true husband, the Baron de Ribaumont. 'The Baron de Ribaumont perished at the St.

He said, "that it was still in the possession of that scelerat of a steward, who had, by his informations, brought his excellent master, le Comte de Coulanges, to the guillotine.

Harris know of Newcome's return?" Florac asked, when I acquainted him with this intelligence. "Ce scelerat de Highgate Va!" "Does Newcome know that Lord Highgate is here?" I thought within myself, admiring my wife's faithfulness and simplicity, and trying to believe with that pure and guileless creature that it was not yet too late to save the unhappy Lady Clara. "Mr.