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I Find a Lodging in the House of the Chief of the Sbirri I Pass a Good Night There and Recover My Strength I Go to Mass A Disagreeable Meeting I Am Obliged to Take Six Sequins by Force Out of Danger Arrived at Munich Balbi I Set Out for Paris My Arrival Attempt on the Life of Louis XV.

His one desire is to get rid of you. No, no. You must disguise yourself. This is a trap." "I refused to take your word last night, my dear," I said, "and should be sorry to do it again. If the sbirri want me they can take me on a warrant." "They have no warrant. They will get that afterwards. Do you think them so stupid? While they were getting their warrant you might get clear away.

There were a great number of the Pontifical police, or sbirri, as the Romans call them, scattered in knots of two or three about the Corso; there were also several mounted patrols of the Papal gendarmes. The police did everything in their power to excite the people, hustled the crowd in every direction, used the most opprobrious epithets, and pushed their way along with insulting gestures.

A number of police officers rushed in, and then commenced a terrific combat between the banditti and the sbirri, the former of whom were forced into an apartment, the door of which was originally locked, but was burst open in the deadly struggle.

I see a troop of 'sbirri' at the door of a chamber, and in that chamber, sitting up in bed, a fine-looking man who was making himself hoarse by screaming in Latin against that rabble, the plague of Italy, and against the inn-keeper who had been rascally enough to open the door. I enquire of the inn-keeper what it all means.

And after this prince had made his end, there came another Francesco, or Gianfrancesco, who was created Marquis of Mantua by the Emperor Sigismund. The Senate was sitting in the hall of the Grand Council when he appeared, and they detained him there with various compliments till night fell. Then instead of lights, the Sbirri appeared, and seized Carmagnola.

Yet it need not happen, for I undertake to arrange everything in a friendly manner for a few sequins. I have only to exchange a few words with the chief of the 'sbirri', and they will all go away. If you can speak Latin, you had better go in, and make him listen to reason." "Who has broken open the door of his room?" "Nobody; I have opened it myself with the key, as is my duty."

Burn all the papers if you can though I suppose the sbirri have got them by this time. Bring my clothes if you steal anything, remember there are knives in Rome, and I know where to write to have them used." Whereat Temistocle broke into a torrent of protestations. How could his master think that, after saving him at such risk, his faithful servant would plunder him?

However, we do not refuse to follow you." The last words of the fisherman were drowned by cries of "Down with the sbirri! down with the gendarmes!" which were repeated in every direction.

The orders were executed, but the 'sbirri' found out, when they returned to the bargello, that they had met with only a half success, the woman who got out of the carriage with the young man not belonging to that species likely to be carried off.