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Updated: August 6, 2024

As to the strokes he caused to be given her, he is in some measure excusable; for his spouse had been a little too easy, and the excuses she made were calculated to make him believe that she was more faulty than she really was. This is all I can say to satisfy your curiosity. At these words she saluted the caliph, and vanished.

At the thought Amber's eyes darkened and hardened and he swore bitterly beneath his breath. If that were so, he vowed, the tonga-wallah would pay dearly for the indiscretion. He set his wits to contrive a way to satisfy his doubts.

But, as you say, nature is strong; and although I have tried to satisfy myself with a hundred things, the mother in my heart has never been content. I hoped, I prayed, that you and Grace might become my children. Alford, I have been learning of late that I am a lonely, unhappy old woman. Will you not be my boy? I would rather share your sorrow than be alone in the world again."

For that thirst to know why was put into the hearts of little children by God Himself; and I believe that God would never have given them that thirst if He had not meant to satisfy it. There you do not understand me. I trust that you will understand me some day.

The spell that she had thrown over him in the moonlight dance made it impossible for a man having no strong puritanic force within him to keep away altogether. He merely calculated on meeting her and her husband in an ordinary manner, chatting a little while, and leaving again. Every outward sign was to be conventional; but the one great fact would be there to satisfy him: he would see her.

He it was who bought this place with the lands round it, and gathered up some fortune, mostly by careful marrying and living, for though he had but one son he was twice married, and also by trading in cattle. Now my grandfather was godly-minded even to superstition, and strange as it may seem, having only one son, nothing would satisfy him but that the boy should be made a priest.

There was enough, and amply enough, in the English Church to bind him to its allegiance, to satisfy him of its truth and its life, enough in the Roman to warn him away.

It is a compromise, but it has this one virtue which compromises rarely possess that it will satisfy the great mass of the Irish people, and it concedes, as we hold, no vital principle. "Unsettled questions have no pity for the repose of nations."

Here I met Hugh May, and he brings me to the knowledge of Sir Henry Capell, a Member of Parliament, and brother of my Lord of Essex, who hath a great value, it seems, for me; and they appoint a day to come and dine with me, and see my books, and papers of the Office, which I shall be glad to shew them, and have opportunity to satisfy them therein.

I then told him that I belonged to a cutter, which could not be far off, and that I hoped by daylight we should see her, and that she would come to our assistance. The gentleman, on this, took his daughter in his arms and carried her to the gangway. "How are the poor men who were so ill?" I heard her ask. "They are free from all pain," was the evasive answer; but it seemed to satisfy her.

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