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Updated: August 12, 2024

As examples of Savoy mountains this lecture described in detail the Salève, on which he had been living for two winters, and the Brezon, the top of which he had tried to buy from the commune of Bonneville one of his many plans for settling among the Alps. The commune thought he had found a gold-mine up there, and raised the price out of all reason.

To-morrow she would walk once more about the romantic, clean, and noble city, look her last on the most lovely lake, visit the ice-cream café and perhaps go up Salève, which she had not yet had time to do. Or up the lake to Nyons. She would not visit the Assembly Hall or the Secretariat, for by those she encountered there she would be looked at askance.

Geneva lying under us, with the lake and the whole plain bounded by the Jura and our own Saleve, which latter seems rather close behind our house, and yet takes a hard hour and a half to ascend all this you can imagine since you know the environs of the town; the peace and quiet move me the most And I fancy I shall drowse out the two months or more, doing no more of serious work than reading and that is virtuous renunciation of the glorious view to my right here as I sit aerially like Euripides, and see the clouds come and go and the view change in correspondence with them.

The old city is seen lying beyond the waveless waters, veiled with a sweet misty veil of Athena's weaving; a faint light of morning, peaceful exceedingly, and almost colorless, shed from behind the Voirons, increases into soft amber along the slope of the Salëve, and is just seen, and no more, on the fair warm fields of its summit, between the folds of a white cloud that rests upon the grass, but rises, high and tower-like, into the zenith of dawn above.

There would then have been immense valleys of ice sliding down in all directions towards the lower country, and carrying large blocks of granite to a great distance, where they would be variously deposited, and many of them remain an object of admiration to after ages, conjecturing from whence, or how they came. Such are the great blocks of granite which now repose upon the hills of Saleve.

In clear weather, Mont Blanc appears the venerable monarch of the Alps. Below this, Saléve rises to upwards of three thousand feet, with the uninterrupted length of the Jura on the left, whose highest point is over four thousand.

We walked out the other evening, with M. Fazy, to a beautiful place, where Servetus was burned. Soft, new-mown meadow grass carpets it, and a solemn amphitheatre of mountains, glowing in the evening sky, looked down Mont Blanc, the blue-black Mole, the Saleve! Never was deed done in a more august presence chamber!

After this work well begun, he went abroad for a vacation tour with a party of friends as in 1866; Lady Trevelyan's sister, Mrs. Hilliard, to chaperone the same young ladies, and three servants with them. They started on April 27th; stayed awhile at Meurice's to see Paris; and at Geneva, to go up the Salève, twice, in bitter black east wind. Then across the Simplon to Milan.

«Mais le pied de cette montagne est encore, comme celui de Saleve, couvert de grandes couches presque perpendiculaires

The summit of the granite pyramids of Mont-Blanc, the summit of the Breven, that of the Saleve , and of every little hillock upon the surface of the earth, attest this truth, that there is no other natural means by which this end may be attained.

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