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Now as these arrogant demands reached their ears, the company assembled in the hall murmured with anger and astonishment, then turned to wait for Sakon's answer. "And if we refuse these small requests of yours, O King?" asked the governor sarcastically, "what then? Will you make war upon us?" "First tell me, Sakon, if you do refuse them?"

Then without more words he walked to his camp, the gates of which were closed behind him. "Prince Aziel," said Sakon, as they went towards the city, "it is ill to speak such words to an honoured guest, but it cannot be denied that you bring much trouble on my head. Twice now you have nearly perished at the hands of Ithobal, and should that chance, doubtless I must earn the wrath of Israel.

"Wisdom!" broke in Aziel; "ay, the wisdom of the assassin. What, noble Sakon, would you murder a sleeping guest?" "No, Prince, I would not," he answered hastily; "also, such a deed would bring the Tribes upon us." "Then, Sakon, you are more foolish than you used to be," said Metem laughing.

Now Sakon, taking advantage of the pause, rushed forward, and throwing his arms about Aziel's knees, implored him in heart-breaking accents to preserve his only child from so horrible a doom. He said that did he refuse to save her because of his religious scruples, he would be a dog and a coward, and the scorn of all honest men for ever.

"Because if you would know the truth he set his dead cousin to kidnap me, and you thwarted him," she answered, looking straight before her. Aziel made no reply, for at that moment Sakon turned to speak with him, and his face was anxious. "I crave your pardon, Prince," he said, drawing him aside, "that you should have met with such insults at my board.

Sakon, according to our ancient law you have the right to give your daughter in marriage where and when you will. We demand, therefore, that for the good of the commonwealth, you should exercise this right, and hand over the lady Elissa to king Ithobal."

"Daughter of Sakon, what will you give me if I show you a way to save the life of the child, and with it that of the prince, and at the same time to make him think well of you again?" "All my jewels and ornaments of gold, and they are many," she answered eagerly. "Good; it is a bargain.

"It seems, Sakon, that there is more in this matter than whether or no the king Ithobal pleases your daughter. Is the city then to be plunged into a great war, of which none can see the end, because one woman looks askance upon a man? Better that a thousand girls should be wedded where they would not than that such a thing should happen.

"What they said I could not hear, because they were too far from me, but at length they left the temple and I traced them to the chambers of the Jew Aziel, in the palace of Sakon. Then, Shadid, I warned you, and the priests and you accompanied me and took them.

"I have kept my word, and fulfilled the command of the king. I have made it impossible that the prince Aziel should wed the daughter of Sakon." "Yes, rogue, you have made it impossible by causing her to be consecrated Baaltis, and thus building a barrier which even I shall find too hard to climb.