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By this time Jock had found his way into all the intricacies of a tattered doublet and more tattered pair of breeches, and sallied forth, a great white-headed, bare-legged, lubberly boy of twelve years old, so exhibited by the glimpse of a rush-light which his half-naked mother held in such a manner as to get a peep at the stranger without greatly exposing herself to view in return.

But when the children were both long since abed, and all the house was still save for the scamper of rats in the wall, the heavy door of Nick's room opened stealthily, with a little grating upon the uneven sill, and Master Carew stood there, peeping in, his hand upon the bolt outside. He held a rush-light in the other.

Winkle jumped out of bed, wondering very much what could possibly be the matter, and hastily putting on his stockings and slippers, folded his dressing-gown round him, lighted a flat candle from the rush-light that was burning in the fireplace, and hurried downstairs. 'Here's somebody comin' at last, ma'am, said the short chairman. 'I wish I wos behind him vith a bradawl, muttered the long one.

By this time Jock had found his way into all the intricacies of a tattered doublet and more tattered pair of breeches, and sallied forth, a great white-headed, bare-legged, lubberly boy of twelve years old, so exhibited by the glimpse of a rush-light which his half-naked mother held in such a manner as to get a peep at the stranger without greatly exposing herself to view in return.

The great maid behind her back was fetching from the clothes-prop a waterglobe upon its stand; she set it down on the table before the rush-light, moving on tiptoe, for to her the writing of a letter was a sort of necromancy, and she was distressed for Katharine's sake. She had heard that to write at night would make a woman blind before thirty.

Alan filched away his blunderbuss; and the lawyer, taking him by the arm, plucked him up from the doorstep, led him into the kitchen, whither we all followed, and set him down in a chair beside the hearth, where the fire was out and only a rush-light burning. There we all looked upon him for a while, exulting greatly in our success, but yet with a sort of pity for the man's shame.

'Ah, said the cobbler, 'you don't quite understand these matters. What do you suppose ruined me, now? 'Wy, said Sam, trimming the rush-light, 'I s'pose the beginnin' wos, that you got into debt, eh? 'Never owed a farden, said the cobbler; 'try again.

Become a detective, sir, and learn our trade. When you know our business you will do wonders, sir, wonders! In the same patronising way a rush-light might have congratulated the sun on his illuminating powers and have advised him to become a penny candle.

And there is another daughter a fair-haired, insipid nonentity of a dozen years, no more like our beautiful one here than a farthing rush-light is like the stars of heaven."

The Holy War is a most surprising narrative of the fall and of the recovery of man's soul, as accurate as it is most deeply interesting. It is one of the most perfect of allegories. There is as vast a superiority in Bunyan's Holy War over that by Chrysostom, as there is in the sun over a rush-light.