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Updated: August 3, 2024

She took him for walks, she who, in her later supineness, hated to put one foot before the other by the Grands Boulevards, the Rue Royale, the Place de la Concorde, the Champs Elysees, hanging on his arm, with a recrudescence of the defiant air of the Marseilles gamine. She made valiant efforts to please her hero who had bled in great battles and had returned to fight in great battles again.

She had been very carefully educated, had talent in music and painting, spoke Italian and a little Latin, and understood mathematics.... Her last moments were worthy of her courage and virtue. "It is impossible to imagine my distress at finding myself separated from my aunt," says Madame Royale.

"Could not I take the bundle, Grandfather? The man will charge so much," said the prudent Sophy. "Hush! you indeed!" said the Pere Noble, as if addressing an exiled Altesse royale, "you take a bundle Miss Chapman!" They soon gained the High Street. Waife examined the fronts of the various inns which they passed by with an eye accustomed to decipher the physiognomy of hostelries.

Wrenching my mind from liberty and delight, I seized my hat, and forced my reluctant body out of the Hotel de into the foreign street. It was a fine day, but I would not look at the blue sky or at the stately houses round me; my mind was bent on one thing, finding out "Mr. Brown, Numero , Rue Royale," for so my letter was addressed.

It had been almost destroyed by fire a fortnight before the date of this letter, on the night of the 29th of December. St. Anthony's Day was June 14th, and her name of Antoinette was regarded as placing her under his especial protection. They have not, however, been preserved. Mercy to Maria Teresa, June 16th, 1773, Arneth, i., p. 467. "Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI., et la Famille Royale", p. 23.

The popular name, derived from the specific, signifies royal or kingly, probably because of the plant's use in feasts. In France it is known as herb royale, royal herb. The generic name is derived from Oza, a Greek word signifying odor. The plant is a native of tropical Asia, where for centuries, especially in India, it has been highly esteemed as a condiment.

The ancient wall, which closed the court on the side of the rue aux Juifs, has been replaced by a cast iron railing, in the gothic style. The front of the Palais being thus exposed to view, the aspect of the edifice becomes as imposing as picturesque. Behind the Palais-de-Justice, in the rue Saint-Lô, is a large building, which answers the purpose of a court of appeals, for the cour royale.

She could scarcely believe in her happiness; and d'Artagnan was forced to renew with the living voice the assurances which he had written. And whatever might be considering the violent character of Milady the danger which the poor girl incurred in giving this billet to her mistress, she ran back to the Place Royale as fast as her legs could carry her.

As Guy sat down again, and filled a huge glass with claret, I heard him mutter between his teeth, "Royale, quand même!" "Close up, gentlemen, close up!" broke in the cheery voice of our rare old host. "Livingstone, if you begin back-handing already, you'll never be able to hold that great raking chestnut I saw your groom leading this evening.

She received a description of him, of his abode in the Place Royale, and of the whole Europe littéraire beside. Cousin Joachim was extremely interesting. Otto did not pay another visit for two days. "Where have you been for so long?" asked Sophie, when he came again. "With my books!" replied he: there lay a gloomy expression in his eyes.

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