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"Well, I thank yer, for seventy-two, that is, not particular ill." "Have you a gentleman of the name of Heigham staying here?" "I am he," said Arthur, "do you want me?" "No, sir, only the station-master at Roxham asked me to drop this here as it was marked immediate," and he handed Arthur a box.

The inquest on George's body was held at Roxham, and was the object of the greatest possible interest.

Bellamy becomes Sir John Bellamy, nominally for his services as town-clerk of Roxham, and I hear that old Sir Percy is now perfectly rampant, and goes about cursing her ladyship up hill and down dale, and declaring that he has been shockingly taken-in. How our mutual friend worked the ropes is more than I can tell you, but she did work them, and to some purpose."

"Lor', yes, sir, that I have; I saw her this morning driving through the Roxham market-place." "And how did she look?" "A bit pale, I thought, sir; but well enough, and wonnerful handsome." Arthur gave a sigh of relief. He felt like a man who has just come scatheless through some horrible crisis, and once more knows the sweet sensation of safety.

At last the day came when he was to bid farewell to Oxford for good, and in due course he found himself in a second-class railway carriage thinking it useless to waste money, he always went second and bound for Roxham.

"Are you going to have fifty people to dinner?" asked Philip aghast. "Certainly; I shall ask you to come and help me to write the invitations presently. I have prepared a list; and will you kindly send over to Bell at Roxham.

He had written to the proprietor of the inn at Rewtham, where he had slept a year ago the night after he had left Isleworth, to send a gig to meet him at the station, and, on arriving at Roxham, a porter told him that a trap was waiting for him.

Now the earliest train would not get him down to Roxham till eleven o'clock, which would involve a wicked waste of four or five hours of daylight that might be spent with Angela, so he wisely resolved to start on the evening of the eighth, by a train leaving Paddington at six o'clock, and reaching Roxham at nine.

Lady Bellamy saw that if something were not done quickly, there would be a shocking scene, which was the last thing she wanted, so she seized George and whispered in his ear, after which he followed her sulkily, turning round from time to time to look at Angela. On her way from Roxham, Lady Bellamy stopped her carriage at the telegraph office and went in and wrote a telegram.

Why do you shake so? What do you mean?" "Mean! I mean that my Angela married her cousin, George Caresfoot, at Roxham, yesterday. Heaven forgive me for having to tell it you!" Reader, have you ever mortally wounded a head of large game?