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This was done as soon as possible, and away we went, at a rapid rate, aiming to shoot directly beneath the Tigris's lee-quarter, so as to round-to under shelter of her hull, there to receive a rope. We pulled like giants. Three several times the water slapped into us, rendering the boat more and more heavy; but Captain Bobbins told us to pull on, every moment being precious.

Some of our people thought they saw poor Harry on the sky-light, but this could not have made much difference in such a raging sea. It was impossible to round-to, and as for a boat's living, it was out of the question. This was the first man I saw lost at sea, and, notwithstanding the severity of the gale, and the danger of the ship herself, the fate of this excellent man made us all melancholy.

He reported to Nelson that he could go close under her stern, but could not round-to alongside, nor pass through the line, without running on board one of these. The admiral replied, "I cannot help it, it does not signify which we run on board of. Go on board which you please: take your choice."

When the launch was near enough for a hail to be heard, Mr Bowles stood up and, placing his two hands together at his mouth, so as to form an impromptu speaking trumpet, shouted "Can you make room for us on board the launch, Captain Staunton? We are stove and sinking." "Ay, ay," responded the skipper. "We'll round-to and come alongside."

By the directions of their captain, the men sheltered themselves under the bulwarks, and the vessel continued her course, with all her sails expanded to the breeze. A few minutes more and she was right under the bows of the frigate, who now prepared to round-to, and pour a broadside into her for her temerity.

They did not shake hands. Mr. Gasgoyne could not think that all had necessarily ended. The thing might be patched up one day yet. This affair with the dompteuse was mad sailing, but the man might round-to suddenly and be no worse for the escapade. "We are going early in the morning," he said. "We can get along all right. Good-bye. When do you come to England?" The reply was prompt.

I shall round-to now; there's the men-of-war in the Medway. Why don't the fools look out, and they will see that they can't escape?" "They've only the stern windows to look out of: the quarter-galleries are boarded up." "Then, Tom, just look if they have not beat them out, for you know they may climb on deck by them."

We acknowledged the signal, and, on turning it up, found that it was a request to "Round-to under my lee: wish to communicate with you." This brought the signalling to a close; and in about a quarter of an hour afterwards, we rounded-to on the frigate's lee beam, while that craft laid her main-topsail to the mast. "`Vidette ahoy! Are you the guarda-costa of that name?"

An intention to round-to, as soon as through the passage, down boat and land, which had been promptly conceived when he found that his first aim had failed, was as suddenly abandoned, and he gave the command to "board fore-tack;" immediately after, his call was to "pack on the brig," and not without a little tremour in his voice, as soon as he perceived that the figure had vanished.

On the second day Frank arrived at his station, and while running idly about for his orders from Captain Wilson were to "keep moving" a steamer passed them on her way up the river, and Frank ordered the pilot to round-to and follow her.