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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Are you married, my London Caloro?" said the old woman to me. "Are you a ro?" Myself. Wherefore do you ask, O Dai de los Cales? Gypsy Mother. It is high time that the lacha of the chabi were taken from her, and that she had a ro. You can do no better than take her for romi, my London Caloro. Myself.

I left college at twenty; and my uncle Ro, for so Martha and myself always called him, and so he was always called by some twenty cousins, the offspring of our three aunts; but my uncle Ro, when I was done with college, proposed to finish my education by travelling.

Uncle Ro and I laughed, in spite of our efforts to the contrary, there being a pathos in this question that was supremely ridiculous. Curbing his merriment, however, as soon as he could, my uncle answered the question.

The particle ro designates a woman, umasoi a man. Among the Betoi, the Maypures, and so many other nations of both continents, the moon is believed to be the wife of the sun. But what is this root Teo? Tobacco : Jema : Jema. Agaric : Puriana vacavi uschanite.

This business of repudiation, as it is called, however, has been miserably misrepresented; and there is no answering a falsehood by an argument. No American State has repudiated its debt, that I know of, though several have been unable to meet their engagements as they have fallen due." "Unable, uncle Ro?" "Yes, unable that is the precise word.

Ravensnest, with no lack of scenic embellishments, introduces to us three of the author's happiest characters always excepting Leatherstocking and Long Tom namely, the two Littlepages, 'Captain Hugh' and his 'Uncle Ro, and Mistress Opportunity Newcome.

Presently a large vessel, with new sails, beautiful white hull, and gracious form, came slowly round a point. She shaded her eyes to look at it. "Why, it's the boat Maitre Ranulph was to launch to-day," she said. Then she stopped suddenly. "Poor Ranulph poor Ro!" she added gently. She knew that he cared for her loved her. Where had he been these weeks past?

Ro: Howard this morning, and so to comitt him closs in the Fleett, but of this I presume ther letter will give yor. Grace such satisfaction that I shall need neither to write more of it, nor of what is yett past. They much desier yor. Grace's coming to towne wch. I hope wilbe speedy as it wilbe materiall. I finde them resolved to deale roundly in this Busnes as yor.

This warrant, however, James either issued with certain qualifications, or else privately advised Buckingham only to act upon with prudence, as may be inferred from the following letter, written on February the 11th, by Buckingham to the Lord Chief Justice: "I have moved the P. for a warrant from his ma^tie for the commitment of Sir Ro.

"Why you leab him, den, if he be good country, eh?" "Vhy you leaf Africa, canst you dell me dat?" retorted uncle Ro, somewhat coolly. "Nebber was dere," growled old Yop, bringing his blubber lips together somewhat in the manner the boar works his jaws when it is prudent to get out of his way. "I'm York-nigger born, and nebber seen no Africa; and nebber want to see him, nudder."

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