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Updated: August 5, 2024

And what beautiful things in the course of the handling! the old French Academician and his garden, on the rive gauche, for example; or the summer afternoon on the upper Seine, with its pleasure-boats, and the red parasol which finally tells all a picture drawn with the sparkle and truth of a Daubigny, only the better to bring out the unwelcome fact which is its center.

The decomposition of his acidulated water is certainly a direct result of the current; but as the varied and important researches of MM. Becquerel, De la Rive, and others had shown, there are also secondary actions which may materially interfere with and complicate the pure action of the current.

Mgr. Meurin, the next witness, deserves, by his position and ability, our very sincere respect; compared with the octogenarian sentimentalism of Jean Kostka, the violence of Signor Margiotta, and the paste-pot of M. de la Rive, one breathes

This account is supplemented by the following letter, written by Faraday to his friend De la Rive, on the occasion of the death of Mrs. Marcet. The letter is dated September 2, 1858: 'My Dear Friend, Your subject interested me deeply every way; for Mrs. Marcet was a good friend to me, as she must have been to many of the human race.

For Blaise had suddenly called a halt, and was riding back to me as if for orders. "Look, monsieur!" and he pointed to where the rive, road appeared from behind a little spur at the base of the mountains. A body of horsemen was coming into view. At one glance I recognized the foremost riders as belonging to the troop I had seen four hours before.

Fess some het watter, an' some linen cloots." "I hae nane o' naither," replied Jean from the bottom of the stair. "Mak up the fire an' put on some watter direckly. I s' fin' some clooties," she added, turning to Malcolm, "gien I sud rive the tail frae my best Sunday sark."

"Because solemnity and good food go together. It's only a religious restaurant that has a proper devotion to the belly. O, I know, we'll go over to Brooklyn." "Where?" "To the Rive Gauche. I know a man who insists on calling it Brooklyn. Awfully funny man...never been sober in his life. You must meet him." "Oh, I want to.... It's a dog's age since I met anyone new, except you.

Thus the strong man in the fable, who by main strength used to rive a tree, undertook one at last which was too strong for him, and it closed upon his fingers, and held him till the wild beasts came and devoured him.

Hurled by the illustrious deity, that weapon is competent to rive the entire Earth or dry up the waters of the ocean or annihilate the entire universe. In days of yore, Yuvanaswa's son, king Mandhatri, that conqueror of the three worlds, possessed of imperial sway and endued with abundant energy, was, with all his troops, destroyed by means of that weapon.

Each family, furthermore, had its garden, fowl house and pigsty; every Christmas the master distributed among them coffee, molasses, tobacco, calico and "Sunday tricks" to the value of from a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars; and every man might rive boards in the swamp on Sundays to buy more supplies, or hunt and fish in leisure times to vary his family's fare.

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