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Updated: August 1, 2024

The majority of this board are about equal, in point of experience and ability, to the management of an oyster stand in a market. Such expressions as 'them laws, 'sot the table, '71st rigiment, and 'them arguments is played out, may be heard on almost any Monday or Thursday afternoon, between two and three o'clock, in this sumptuous chamber.

"But, you rascal, you know that we are not Catholics." "Sure, your honour, didn't I say that most all the rigiment were Catholics; I did not say all of them." "I must go and explain the matter to him, Hoolan. If he calls upon us, as like he may do, he would find out at once that you have desaved him."

O for God's sake, sir!" whimpering, dancing. "Ave mercy as you ope for it. Let me ave me smack if it's only for the glory of the old rigiment." "Certainly not," said the Parson sternly. "This is war, not tomfoolery." The little man collapsed sullenly. "From the right retire by companies on your sup-ports!" shouted the Parson in measured regimental voice.

Parson and Gentleman were about to clash. Then a little figure rose out of the earth, and sullen thunder smote on the silence. Piper drew a deep breath. "I thart so," he said, comfortably. "Who is it?" asked Kit. "Jack Knapp, sir," said the old man, picking his teeth. "Sneaked a drum from a travellin showman by the look on it, and tow-rowin like a rigiment. See him thump it. Ho! ho!

“Good luck to ye, and a welcome home, Joogecried the female, with a strong Irish accent; “and I’m sure it’s to me that ye’re always welcome. Sure! and there’s Miss Lizzy, and a fine young woman she is grown. What a heart-ache would she be giving the young men now, if there was sich a thing as a rigiment in the town!

A man is always reathy, when he has his ar-r-ms and legs free to act accorthing to natur'. What would a rigiment of throops do ag'in the likes of sich a place as this? I'm sure it's tin years I've been in it, and I've niver been able to find my way out of it.

An' then she spoke right out. 'I'm alone in the world, says she, 'and I've got somethin' to do with, an' I'd like to have a plain stone put up to Eb Munson's grave, with the number of his rigiment on it, an' I'll pay the bill. 'Tain't out o' Mr.

There were a good many plain officers that talked about their "rigiment" and their "caounty" who knew very well how to say "Make ready!" "Take aim!" "Fire!" in the face of a line of grenadiers with bullets in their guns and bayonets on them.

He did well till a recruiting Sergeant bad luck to him that knew the McCarthys in the ould country, found him out, and they drank and talked about ould times, and the Sergeant tould him that the army was the place for Irishmen, that there would be lots of fightin'. The chance of a fight took Patrick, and nixt day he left the city in a blouse, as Fourth Corporal in an Irish Rigiment, and a prouder looking chappie, as his own Captain tould me, niver marched down Broadway.

"What rigiment is this?" asked Si, timidly. "Same old rijiment!" was the answer from half a dozen at once. A single glance told the swarthy veterans that the fresh-looking youth who asked this conundrum belonged to one of the new regiments, and they immediately opened their batteries upon him: "Left left-=left!" "Hayfoot strawfoot!

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