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Perhaps, my dear Monsieur Gaston, the public journals will have told you before this letter can arrive of the duel fought yesterday between your friend Monsieur Dorlange and the Duc de Rhetore.

Francesca Soderini, who had suspected that Albert might be innocent, hastily quitted the ballroom, leaving the speaker at his wits' end to guess what terrible blow he had inflicted on the beautiful Duchesse de Rhetore. "If you want to hear more about Albert, come to the Opera ball on Tuesday with a marigold in your hand."

"Will Monsieur de Rhetore withdraw the words I felt bound to notice; if so, I will withdraw mine." "But that is impossible," they said to him. "Monsieur de Rhetore has been personally insulted; you, on the contrary, have not been. Right or wrong, he has the conviction that Monsieur Marie-Gaston has done him an injury.

But Lucien broke off with a gesture of despair. "Well, what is it?" asked the poor girl. "Oh! Madame de Serizy sees me!" cried Lucien, "and to crown our woes, the Duc de Rhetore, who witnessed my dismissal, is with her." In fact, at that very minute, the Duc de Rhetore was amusing himself with Madame de Serizy's discomfiture.

Don't you spend sixty thousand francs sometimes merely to read in the newspapers: 'Lelia, belonging to Monsieur de Rochefide beat by a length Fleur-de-Genet the property of Monsieur le Duc de Rhetore'? You had much better give that money to poets, who would carry you in prose and verse to immortality, like the late Montyon."

He is going on favorably, and the physicians say that, barring all unforeseen accidents, his friends need have no anxiety as to his state. It seems he is an object of general interest, for, to use the expression of my valet, people are "making cue" to leave their names at his door. It must be added that the Duke de Rhetore is not liked, which may partly account for this sympathy.

"The ladies are fortunate in their weather," remarked the Duc de Rhetore. "Oh, in spite of all their boasting," replied the Prince de Cadignan, "I think they will let us hunt without them!" "So they might, if each had not a squire," said the duke.

The young patrician seemed anxious to find an ally in the great man from his own province, asked Lucien to breakfast with him some morning, and offered to introduce him to some young men of fashion. Lucien was nothing loath. "The dear Blondet is coming," said Rastignac. The two were standing near the Marquis de Ronquerolles, the Duc de Rhetore, de Marsay, and General Montriveau.

Lucien merely said, "To the Italian opera"; but in spite of his haste, the luckless dandy could not escape the Duc de Chaulieu and his son, the Duc de Rhetore, to whom he was obliged to bow, for they did not speak a word to him.

My mother was at the Bois de Boulogne, my father at the Council; my brother, the Duc de Rhetore, never comes in, I am told, till it is time to dress for dinner. The suite is the one which belonged to my beloved grandmother, the Princess de Vauremont, to whom I owe some sort of a fortune which no one has ever told me about.