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Extracting the pith from these eulogies, it is clear that, as wise statesman no less than as good king, Harold sought to strengthen himself in the three great elements of regal power; Conciliation of the Church, which had been opposed to his father; The popular affection, on which his sole claim to the crown reposed; And the military force of the land, which had been neglected in the reign of his peaceful predecessor.

During almost three centuries before the accession of James, the regal authority, in all these particulars, had never once been called in question. * Bushworth, vol. ii. p. 473.

You really must keep within bounds. Because I have my eye upon you. I can't let you cheat that good soul, who brought you here, to her damage." The princess gasped and whitened as though a cold calm hand was laid on her miserable sham of a body. "Do you know who I am?" stiffening herself into her idea of regal bearing. "Not exactly. It does not matter in the least, either.

In this way the problem of legally retaining and practically restricting the regal authority was solved in genuine Roman fashion with equal acuteness and simplicity by the nameless statesmen who worked out this revolution. Centuries and Curies

They had tasted liberty too long, they had dealt too many hard blows on the head of regal and sacerdotal despotism, to be deceived by coarse artifices. Especially the king thought that something might be done with Count Hohenlo.

Merlin had wheeled around with the precious volume under his arm and was about to return it to its special drawer in his office when there was a sudden interruption. With unheard-of magnificence the front door burst rather than swung open, and admitted in the dark interior a regal apparition in black silk and fur which bore rapidly down upon him.

"Let the tyrant Edward exult in the possession of our country's crown and sceptre he may find we need not them to make a king; aye, and a king to snatch the regal diadem from the proud usurper's brow the Scottish sceptre from his blood-stained hands!" "Thou talkest wildly, Nigel," answered the lad, sorrowfully, his features assuming an expression of judgment and feeling beyond his years.

Though there was no imperial court at that time, for Napoleon was but First Consul, yet every thing was arranged on a scale of regal splendor. The foreign ambassadors were all present; and the achievements of Napoleon had been so marvellous, and his increasing grandeur was so sure, that all present vied alike in evincing homage to the whole Bonaparte family.

The sky that has been all of one hue during the live-long day wherever you looked, nothing but pale, pale azure is now like the palette of some God-painter splashed and freaked with all manner of great and noble colors a most regal blaze of gold wide plains of crimson, as if all heaven were flashing at some high thought little feathery cloud-islands of tenderest rose-pink.

When I am with you, love so transports me that I am powerless to express the depth of my affection; I can but worship and admire. Only at a distance does the power of speech return. You are supremely beautiful, Renee, and your beauty is of the statuesque and regal type, on which time leaves but little impression.