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This length he re-coiled and slung over his shoulder: an awkward, weighty handicap. Nevertheless he began to climb. Above the third level there was merely steel framework; he had somewhat more light to guide him, with a view of the north wall of the Seventy-ninth Street house, bright in the glare of avenue lamps. The wall was absolutely blank. At the seventh level the ladders ended.

Mahbub wheeled his horse and vanished. Kim tore back down the ditch till he reached a point opposite his second resting-place, slipped across the road like a weasel, and re-coiled himself in the blanket. 'At least Mahbub knows, he thought contentedly. 'And certainly he spoke as one expecting it. I do not think those two men will profit by tonight's watch.

The snake instantly re-coiled to repeat its venomous stroke, and though Donald could easily have killed it as he had scores of its kind, the presence of this hideous and sole representative of life in that place of the dead so filled him with horror that he turned and fled to his canoe.

With the able assistance of Baldwin and Maxwell and Ram-stam, he drew out, uncoiled, rubbed, examined inch by inch, and re-coiled the life-line and the air-tube; unscrewed the various pieces glasses, nuts, and valves of the helmet, carefully examined them, oiled them, and re-fastened them, much to the interest and curiosity of "the natives."

It was evidently furious at being robbed of its prey; and we thought for awhile it was going to give battle to the snake, which had re-coiled himself on seeing this enemy, and lay with open jaws awaiting the attack. The body of the squirrel now quite dead was close up to his coil, so that the other could not snatch it without coming within reach of his dangerous fangs.

Twisting, lengthening, shortening, they are drawn back and re-coiled within, and "The ethereal substance closed, Not long divisible." This delicate wonder is the Cydippe. Though among the most charming of marine creatures, none is more liable to be overlooked, owing to its extreme subtilty.

And now he spoke the first word that had passed his lips since he had left the Flying W ranchhouse: "I reckon you've got what's been comin' to you!" He got down, unfastened the rope, deliberately re-coiled it and looped it around the saddle horn. Then he mounted and rode away. Grim, indistinct, fading into the blackness of the desert night, he went, half a mile, perhaps.

And say, Metta, where's the clothesline? I want to practise roping a little before my camera man gets here." "My stars! You're certainly goin' to be a real one, ain't you?" She brought him the clothesline, in use only on Mondays. He re-coiled it carefully and made a running noose in one end. At two Lowell Hardy found his subject casting the rope at an inattentive Dexter.