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Almost fainting, Harry heard the two shots that caused the snake to momentarily lower its head and cease its buzzing rattles from sounding. Hope rose within his breast as he noted this action, yet he could not move from the spot. His feet seemed leaden.

"Sais he, 'she ain't a bad mare; and if she could eat bay, might do a good deal of work yet, and he gave a kinder chuckle laugh at his own joke, that sounded like the rattles in his throat, it was so dismal and deep, for he was one o' them kind of fellers that's too good to larf, was Steve.

Hope is thus alike the sublime inspirer or the arch corrupter; it is the foe of terror, the defier of consequences, the buoyant gamester which at every loss doubles the stakes, with a firm hand rattles the dice, and, invoking ruin, cries within itself, "How shall I expend the gain?"

Is there no Algerine, no Kamschatkan arrived? No plenipo-pacha, three tail'd and three wived? No Russian, whose dissonant, consonant name Almost rattles to fragments the trumpet of fame? By the bye, have you found any friend who can construe That Latin account, t'other day, of a monster? If we can't get a Russian and that story in Latin Be not too improper, I think I'll bring that in.

Being blissfully ignorant of the picture-machine's mechanisms he doesn't like to meddle with it, but 'I'm afraid something's gone inside, Mr. Haigh, because it rattles when I shake it. So thinking I owed the chap something for the fun I'd had out of him, I said I'd get you to fix it up for him. You've been bottle-washer to a photographer for a bit, haven't you?"

Then they had babies' rattles. Babies' rattles. Oh! I've said hardly any thing about the birds, have I? an' it's called 'The Birds and the Babies! They had lots of little pretty robins and canaries hanging round the ceiling, and shall I say?" Every one listened expectant during the pause that followed. " And lived happy ever after."

I looked through my glass, and saw that they were discharging goods into the vessel's boats; and the children, when I told them that boxes and bags and casks were being sent on shore, shouted and danced with delight. As the first boat-load was discharged, the Orphans surrounded me, saying, "Missi, here is a cask that rattles like biscuits? Will you let us take it to the Mission House?"

In fact, he only knew one musical composition, and that was an African hymn which Cheditafa had taught him. This he now proceeded to execute. He threw back his head, as some of the others had done, and emitted a succession of grunts, groans, yelps, barks, squeaks, yells, and rattles which utterly electrified the audience.

Hear the Rain, how he pours, and the Hail, how he rattles; and see the Snow, how he drifts along, and of the Mud, how deep he is! Ah the poor Fishwife, it is stuck fast in the Mire; it has dropped its Basket of Fishes; and its Hands have been cut by the Scales as it seized some of the falling Creatures; and one Scale has even got into its Eye, and it cannot get her out.

The most interesting ornament seen on any member of the tribe was a necklace of human hair, adorned with the rattles of rattlesnakes, which abound in the territory infested with these remnants of all that is most objectionable among the aboriginal red men of this continent. Physically speaking, the Seris are most remarkable.