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A strange suspicion of a bewitchment might have enlightened him if he had been a man accustomed to yield to the peculiar kind of sorcery issuing from that sex. He rather despised the power of women over men: and nevertheless he was there, listening to that Bell, instead of having obeyed the call of his family duties, when the latter were urgent.

I knew that people put their wits on exhibition and often flung down a "snag" by way of demonstrating their fitness for the honor, when they were introduced in books. I remember asking rather timidly: "What shall I say when when you introduce me?" "Oh, say anything that you want to say," he answered with a look of amusement. "I'm kind o' scared," I said.

"He is the kindest the best of human beings!" said Camilla, rather evasively, but with more warmth than usually dwelt in her soft and low voice. "Is he so kind?" returned Spencer, musingly. "Well, it may be so. And who would not be kind to you? Ah! it is a beautiful connexion that of brother and sister I never had a sister!"

The Antiquary, in order to avail himself of the permission given him to question the accused party, chose rather to go to the apartment in which Ochiltree was detained, than to make the examination appear formal by bringing him again into the magistrate's office.

Dutton, remonstrated the sister; and Alwyn obeyed so far as to submit to his father's embrace, and then raising those velvety eyes to the visitor's face, he repeated: 'Where black doggie? Wyn want to see him buy bun. 'There! your fame has preceded you, said Mr. Egremont, 'or rather your dog's. 'You shall see him, said Mr.

It is just the touch of human fallibility that has brought Nemesis to many a great criminal. "The machinery he employed focussed attention from the first on the apparent murderer rather than his victim. It appeared impossible to doubt what had happened and Pendean's death was assumed but never proved.

Indeed, it rather strikes me that white voting, ignorant, depraved, party-ridden, Democratic white voting, had a good deal to do in hatching into life the rebellion itself, and that no results of negro voting are likely to be much worse." After an hour occupied by Mr. Randall and Mr.

Bert blushed to the roots of his hair at this unexpected and, indeed, unusual compliment from the grim master, who, before the boy could frame any reply, passed out of hearing. "We'll do our best, won't we, Shorty?" said Bert, turning to his friend beside him. "I suppose so," answered Frank, in rather a doubtful tone. "But your best will be a good deal better than mine.

Mac gave a groan and fell back vanquished, for it was evident that escape was impossible. "What put such a perfectly wild idea into your head?" he demanded, rather roughly, for hitherto he had been left in peace and this sudden attack decidedly amazed him. "Sheer necessity, but don't do it if it is so very dreadful to you.

"But should I care to consider your proposition, how am I to communicate with you? Shall I ring up Central and say: 'Please give me the delicious voice?" "Ah, señor, you are of an absurdity! Never fear, you will hear from me again, and soon. Good-by." Her voice died away like music. Hayden mechanically hung up the receiver, and then sat for a moment or two staring rather stupidly before him.