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Thus Hesiod, who, you know, was a capital poet, though rather an imitator of Shenstone, tells us that God bestowed valour on some men, and on others a genius for dancing. It was reserved for me, Lady Roseville, to unite the two perfections. Adieu!"

As the bramble said to the rest of the trees, so saith Christ to feigned thanksgivers, who pretend to give thanks for liberty, but rather use their liberty as an occasion for the flesh: If in truth ye anoint me king over you, then come and put your trust under my shadow; submit to my law, and be governed by my testament. Hypocrisy is one of the most abominable of iniquities.

I like to see skill of any kind." She glanced at his arms. "I'll get out of your way. Come, Jimmy!" She took him by the arm and went back to the hard chair, while Dion and Jenkins in the middle of the floor stood up opposite to one another. "Have you got a watch, Master Jimmy?" said Jenkins, looking over his shoulder at his pupil. "Rather!" piped Jimmy.

"There's papa," said Jenny. "Had you rather go to him alone, or can I do any good?" "I think I will go alone," said Julius. Mr.

A Hungarian staff correspondent, who was with Von Hindenburg's army, had this to say about the siege of Dvinsk, or rather about the attacks on its outlying fortifications: "The German army could not make use of its heavy artillery, for it proved quite useless, owing to the extreme narrowness of the Russian trenches.

"I always contradict my husband when he says that," said Mrs. Thornbury sweetly. "You men! Where would you be if it weren't for the women!" "Read the Symposium," said Ridley grimly. "Symposium?" cried Mrs. Flushing. "That's Latin or Greek? Tell me, is there a good translation?" "No," said Ridley. "You will have to learn Greek." Mrs. Flushing cried, "Ah, ah, ah! I'd rather break stones in the road.

He was a small, aged man, very thin and meagre in aspect so meagre as to conceal in part, by the general tenuity of his aspect, the shortness of his stature. He was not even so tall as Nina, as Nina had discovered, much to her surprise. His hair was grizzled, rather than grey, and the beard on his thin, wiry, wizened face was always close shorn.

I put it to you in full confidence of a response that shall be worthy of our national character, and calculated to increase, rather than diminish, the glory which our ancestors have transmitted to us, and which we ourselves have proudly vindicated in our warfare with the cranes."

Leicester, as well as Buckhurst, knew that it was idle to talk to the Netherlanders of peace, because of their profound distrust in every word that came from Spanish or Italian lips; but Leicester, less frank than Buckhurst, preferred to flatter his sovereign, rather than to tell her unwelcome truths.

One would think you were interested in convicting me. But I had rather think that you are a little cracked on this subject. I never used the words you think you heard. The servant had brought me the wrong walking-stick, one that was too short for me, and so I said, 'You have brought that cursed cane to me."