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Updated: August 2, 2024

Then His Majesty referred to Rasputin's "miracles" which he had performed in Warsaw, Kiev, and other places, mere conjuring tricks which had held the peasants speechless in amazement. "Theophanus has told us of them. Thou hast healed the sick and cured the lame," said His Majesty. "Truly, thou art greater in Russia than myself."

"Now you can release her!" he added, turning to me. "And write at my dictation." The girl stood staggered at hearing Rasputin's orders to the Minister of the Interior. "No, no!" she shrieked. "Forgive me! forgive me, Father! I I was mad mad! Ivan urged me to do this to kill you!" "Write as I tell you, Féodor," Rasputin ordered.

The first I knew of the deep conspiracy was in the spring of 1911, by the visit one night to Rasputin's house in the Poltavskaya of a tall, fair-haired man named Hardt, whom I knew as a frequent visitor to the monk.

"In order to extricate himself from a very dangerous position. At any moment he may be arrested for murder!" "For murder!" Gorianoff echoed. "Is he guilty of murder?" "Yes. He has confessed the truth to me as a father confessor. Now he has promised to put his confession down in black and white." In an instant I saw the trend of Rasputin's evil thoughts.

One afternoon, while in the handsome room set apart for Rasputin's use at Tsarskoe-Selo, I was sitting writing at his dictation, when there suddenly entered the Emperor, who had just come in from one of his frequent solitary walks in the park.

Two of those companions of his nightly drinking bouts at Perm were named Rouchine and Yepantchine, brawny fellows whose evil life was almost as notorious as Rasputin's.

That he says prayers with the Empress and they summon Rasputin's ghost.... That's all rot of course. But he does just what the Empress tells him, and they're going to enslave the whole country and hand it over to Germany." "What will they do that for?" I asked. "Why, then, the Czarevitch will have it under Germany.

"I think not," was Rasputin's reply. "If he has not, he will have them in his possession on his return. We must secure them at all costs." "You wish to close his mouth eh?" "Yes. He must be suppressed at all hazards," declared the monk. "It is the wish of the Emperor," he added, a glib lie always ready upon his tongue.

After greeting me, he informed me that he had an urgent secret despatch for the Father to be delivered only into his own hands. Therefore I at once conducted the travel-worn messenger to Rasputin's bedroom, where he delivered a crumpled letter from the belt which he wore next his skin. "Read it to me, Féodor," said the "saint," sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes after a drunken sleep.

I knew of that miracle, an outrageous fraud which had been perpetrated upon an assembly of ignorant peasants by means of a clever conjuring trick in which Rasputin's friend, the chemist Badmayev, and another, had assisted. Stürmer had been laughing heartily over it at Rasputin's house on the previous night. "God hath given me strength," replied the monk simply, and with much humbleness.

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