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Well, Muttons r-run him down, an' was about to plug him, whin th' czar says, 'Hol' on, he says, 'hol' on there, he says. 'Don't shoot, he says. 'Let's talk this over, he says. An' Muttons, bein' a foolish man, waited till th' czar come near him; an' thin th' czar feinted with his left, an' put in a right hook an' pulled off Muttons's face. I tell ye 'tis so.

I will r-read it standin' on me head whin I get home where I can pin down me overskirt; thin I'll r-read it in a lookin' glass; thin I'll saw it into sthrips an' r-run it through a wringer an' lave it stand in a tub iv bluein', an' whin its properly starched I'll find out what it says.

"Let's ... r-run...." he faltered. Retief turned slowly, put his hands up. "I don't run very well with a knife in my back," he said. "Stand very still, Magnan, and do just what he tells you." "Take them out through the back," the cook said. "What does he mean?" Magnan spluttered. "Here, you " "Silence," the cook said, almost casually. Magnan gaped at him, closed his mouth.

'I don't know annything about his noomo-gasthric narves, he says, 'but I reco'nized his face, he says. 'I've r-run him in fifty times, he says. "Bertillon, besides bein' a profissor iv detictives, is a handwritin' expert, which is wan iv th' principal industhries iv Fr-rance at th' prisint time.

Other men's sons may pack away a shirt in a thrunk, an' go out into th' wurruld, brakin' on a freight or ladin' Indyanny bankers up to a shell game. But a man that's headed f'r a throne can't r-run away. He's got to take th' job. If he kicks, they blindfold him an' back him in. He can't ask f'r his time at th' end iv th' week, an' lave. He pays himsilf.

Why, so-an'-so-an'-so-an'-so. 'Ye don't tell me! 'Is there annything in that story about his beatin' his poor ol' aunt an' her iliven childher out iv four dollars? 'I guess that's straight. Ye can tell be th' looks iv him he's a mean man. I niver see a man with squintin' eyes an' white hair that wudden't rob a church! 'He's a cow'rd, too. Why, he r-run away at th' battle iv Manila.

I don't think they cud handle th' pig th' way we done, bein' small la-ads. Th' coke has to be hauled up in sacks be th' gang. Th' derrick hands got six a week, but hadn't anny union. Helpers got four twinty. Puddlers was well paid. I wint through th' plant befure we come up here, an' r-run a wagon up th' plank jus' to keep me hand in.

Ivry little boy ixpects a pony at Chris'mas, an' ivry little girl a chain an' locket; an' ivry man thinks he's sure goin' to get th' goold-headed cane he's longed f'r since he come over. But they all fin'lly land on rockin'-horses an' dolls, an' suspindhers that r-run pink flowers into their shirts an' tattoo thim in summer.

Dooley, "that th' la-ad out in Kansas that thried to r-run a paper like what th' Lord wud r-run if he had lived in Topeka, has thrun up th' job." "Sure, I niver heerd iv him," said Mr. Hennessy. "Well, 'twus this way with him," Mr. Dooley explained. "Ye see, he didn't like th' looks iv th' newspapers. He got tired iv r-readin' how many rows iv plaits Mrs.

"Malachy or Matt? Dinnis or Mike? Sarsfield or William Hogan? There's a Hogan f'r ivry block in th' Ar-rchey Road, an' wan to spare. There's nawthin' th' matter with anny iv thim; but, if ye mean Hogan, th' liquor dealer, that r-run f'r aldherman, I'll say to ye he's all right.