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Since the quintal contains 50 kilos, it will be seen that this account does not agree with the statement of Renaud as to the amount of ice each char could take. No doubt, a char at S. Georges may mean one thing, and a char in the village of Chaux another; but the difference between 12 quintaux and 50 or 60 is too great to be thus explained, and probably Madame Briot made some mistake.

At last, however, a splendid cock was persuaded to enter the gangway, down which he ran, and flew shrieking to the shore, followed by the rest of his kindred. "Now for the hogs," said Quintal, to whose domineering spirit the work was congenial. But the hogs were not to be managed as easily as the goats and fowls had been.

Sarah Quintal and Johnny Mills gave them some trouble, having a strong disposition to explore places beyond their depth; but Dinah Adams and Polly Young were as good as gold, spluttering towards their guardians when called, and showing no tendency to do anything of their own immediate free will, except sit on the sand and let the foam rush round and over them like soap-suds.

Satisfied with the result of their investigations, they descended to their encampment on the table-land close to the heights above Bounty Bay. On drawing near to the clearing they heard the sound of voices raised as if in anger. "It's Quintal and McCoy," said Adams; "I know the sound o' their ill-natured voices." Presently the two men could be seen through the trees.

When brought on board the vessel the fish are immediately cleaned, split open and salted right down in the hold, without the formality of putting them in barrels or casks. After they are landed on shore they are dried and assorted according to size and sold by the quintal of 112 pounds, though 100 pounds is estimated as a quintal from the hold of the smack.

It is a curious coincidence that death came close on the heels of this visit, as it had come on that of the Topaz. Scarcely had the two frigates left when Matthew Quintal took a fit while out fishing in his canoe and was drowned. About the same time Jack Mills was killed by falling from the rocks when out after gulls' eggs.

Adams turned away with a light laugh of contempt, and the other two joined a group of their mates, who were talking in low tones near the windlass. Matthew Quintal was not the only man on board who did not agree with the more moderate counsels of Reckless Jack, alias John Adams, alias John Smith, for by each of those names was he known.

Sarah Quintal became as suddenly pale now as she had formerly become red, and struggled to get free. "Oh, Dan, Dan, don't!" she cried, earnestly; "do let me go, if you love me!" "Well, I will, if you say I may speak to Father Adams about it."

Presently he reappeared, puffing like a grampus, and holding a huge lobster-like creature in his hands. "That'll stop the mouths of two or three of us, Matt!" he exclaimed, looking round. But Matt Quintal was nowhere to be seen. He, too, had seen a fish, and gone to beard the lobster in his den. In a few seconds he reappeared with another crawfish.

"No, no; drink fair, Matt Quintal; wotever you do, drink fair. It's my turn now." "Your turn?" retorted Quintal, fiercely; "why, you've bin swillin' away for half-an-hour before I came." "No, Matt, no; honour bright. I'd only just begun. But come, we won't quarrel over it. Here's the other half o' the nut, so we'll drink together. Now, hold steady."