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Matthew writes his account of the gospel for these great numbers of perplexed, earnest Jewish questioners. They are Palestinian Jews, thoroughly familiar with Jewish customs and places.

The last of the three questions put to Jesus, and the one question with which He turned the tables and silenced His questioners, are our subject. In the former, Jesus declares the essence of the law or of religion; in the latter, He brings to light the essential loftiness of the Messiah.

"What have you done with all the exercise-paper?" "What are you and he up to now?" "It's all your fault if we can't do our lessons." "Where have you hidden him, so that he doesn't keep his promise and come to the meeting?" "Where have you put all the paper; I haven't even begun on my exercises!" The angry questioners, with Emma between them, came up the steps.

They did not know that his courage was extreme; and were quite taken aback by his calmness, and, his evident readiness to push on even farther than they chose to venture. On returning to Court, M. de Lauzun was of course pressed by everybody to relate all he knew of the position of the two armies. But he held himself aloof from all questioners, and would not answer.

Realizing that unless he answered at once he would fall past his strange questioners, he shouted amiably: "I am the Scarecrow of Oz, sliding down my family tree!" The words echoed oddly in the narrow passageway, and by the time he reached the word "tree" the Scarecrow could make out two large brown men leaning from a door somewhere below. Next minute he came to a sharp stop.

He was perfectly aware of the fact that his questioners represented a Cabinet Minister on his way to Balmoral and a prominent Lothian baronet, but there are limits even to the power of an express guard, on the Grand Coast Railway. "Well, what's the matter with this?" the Minister demanded. "Here is an ordinary first-class coach that will do very well for us.

These two might have related many strange occurrences to the cousins and kin had they chosen, but he was a reserved man, and she had been so sworn to silence, and had lived through such an agitating experience before the death of the old man that she repulsed all questioners so sharply that they dared not return to the charge.

Some of the questions were not easy to answer, considering that the questioners were Hindus. What is meant by "Holy Communion?" asked one of these young men. And later on another, having had the font explained to him, said, "And how about the ceremony of bread and wine?"

Before Châlons four hours had been lost not by accident, as the royalist legend tells, for Valory the outrider testifies that it took but a few minutes to repair. Bouillé knew the ignoble cause of his own ruin and of so much sorrow, but never revealed it. When he came to England he misled questioners, and he exacted an oath from his son that he would keep the miserable secret for half a century.

But the fun was all over and Sammy and his bulldog were gone when the questioners arrived. Dot explained volubly: "Billy Bumps wouldn't see poor Sandy abused no, he wouldn't! That's why he went for that horrid dog." "Why," said Ruth, laughing, "Billy must be a regular knight." "'In days of old, when knights were bold!" sang Neale. "I've an improvement on that," Agnes said, eagerly.