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"He is a great man," whispered my interpreter, "and if they chaunt their battle-song, he must show them his bravery." The querelle d'Allemand ended with a general but vain petition for "t'other bottle." Fahrenheit showed 90deg. in the shade, as we bade adieu to the little land-bay, and made for the high rugged wall to the north- north-east separating the river valley from the inner country.

All this had taken some time and meanwhile the unfortunate Querelle, seeing the soldiers still under his window and the impatient crowd clamouring for his appearance, was in the last paroxysm of despair.

And then, to show his zeal, he added a fifth name to the list, that of Querelle, ex-surgeon of marine, arrested four months previously, under slight suspicion, but described in the report as a poor-spirited creature of whom "something might be expected." "This one," said Bonaparte on reading the name of Querelle, and the accompanying note, "is more of an intriguer than a fanatic; he will speak."

"Some defer to the ancients and allow themselves to be led by them like children; others hold that the ancients lived in the youth of the world, and it is those who live to-day who are really the ancients, and consequently ought to carry most weight." See Rigault, Histoire de la querelle des Anciens et des Modernes, p. 52.

Besides his life, Desmarets had promised him the sum of 80,000 francs to pay his debts with, but as they were in no hurry to hand him the money, his creditors lost patience and had him shut up in Sainte-Pelagie. Desmarets at last decided to pay up, and Querelle was sent to Piémont, where he lived on a small pension from the government.

"Rebuke me not in thine indignation." Antony, king of Navarre, sung "Revenge moy prens la querelle," "Stand up, O Lord! to revenge my quarrel," to the air of a dance of Poitou. Diane de Poictiers chose "Du fond de ma pensee." "From the depth of my heart."

Imagine, therefore, what any scene or scandal would entail upon him!" "I cannot see that the marriage scheme need, be affected by scenes or scandals." "Mais le Baron est si irascible un caractere prussien, vous savez! Enfin il fera une querelle d'Allemand." "But is it quite settled that Mlle. is to marry the General? What are they waiting for?

Picot, Lebourgeois and Querelle, condemned to death, were transferred to the Abbaye there to await their execution on the following day. "There must be no delay, you understand," said Bonaparte, "I will not have it." But nevertheless it was necessary to give a little time for the courage of the prisoners to fail, and for the police to aid in bringing this about.

The first day's search was without result. Querelle thought he remembered that a house in the village of Taverny had sheltered the Chouans the night before their entry into Paris; but at the time he had not paid any attention to localities, and in spite of his efforts, he could be positive of nothing. The next day they took the Pontoise road from Pierrelaye to Franconville, with no more success.

Querelle now led them by chance, thinking he recognised a group of trees, a turn of the road, even imagining he had found a farm "by the particular manner in which the dog barked." At last, worn out, the little band were returning to Paris when, on passing through the village of Saint-Leu, Querelle gave a triumphant cry!