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It created vast manufacturing establishments, and supplied clothing for the world. It changed the industry of nations. In its application, first to the navigation of rivers, and then to the navigation of the ocean, it more than quadrupled the speed that had heretofore been attained. Instead of forty days being requisite for the passage, the Atlantic might now be crossed in eight.

Considers it criminal, after the evidence adduced, which he could have quadrupled, and the weight of authority brought forward, for a practitioner to be the medium of transmitting contagion and death to his patients. Dr. Copland lays down rules similar to those suggested by myself, and is therefore entitled to the same epithet for so doing. Medical Dictionary, New York, 1852.

There are many new faces. The factory has tripled quadrupled in importance; quite a town of flimsy buildings has been added to it. "They've built seven others like it in three months!" says Monsieur Mielvaque to me, proudly. The manager is now another young nephew of the Messrs. Gozlan. He was living in Paris and came back on the day of the general mobilization.

Gilberts in embryo; the number of their "yes's" would have to be quadrupled, their natures crabbed by twenty years then they would be no more than obsolete and broken machines, pseudo-wise and valueless, nursed to an utter senility by the women they had broken. Ah, he was more than that, as he paced the long carpet in the lounge after dinner, pausing at the window to look into the harried street.

But he made them his own by smelting the rough ore into bell metal. He brewed a cauldron like that of Macbeth's witches, and from it arose the images of crowned kings. If he did not bring a new idea into the world, he quadrupled the force of existing ideas and scattered them far and wide.

In the presence of a loosened river, with its ravaging, unconquerable volume, this impression is as strong as possible; and as I looked at the deluge which threatened to make an island of the Papal palace, I perceived that the scourge of water is greater than the scourge of fire. A blaze may be quenched, but where could the flame be kindled that would arrest the quadrupled Rhone?

The current, moreover, increased in strength by the sudden swelling of the waters, dashed furiously down, giving its direction to the leaping billows that rode impatiently upon its surface; and at the point of intersection by the island of Bois Blanc, formed so violent an eddy within twenty feet of the land, as to produce the effect of a whirlpool, while again, between the island and the Canadian shore, the current, always rapid and of great force, flew boiling down its channel, and with a violence almost quadrupled.

The 'last bells' would begin to clang, all down the line, and then the powwow seemed to double; in a moment or two the final warning came, a simultaneous din of Chinese gongs, with the cry, 'All dat ain't goin', please to git asho'! and behold, the powwow quadrupled! People came swarming ashore, overturning excited stragglers that were trying to swarm aboard.

Within the last half century the number of States in this Union has nearly doubled, the population has almost quadrupled, and our boundaries have been extended from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Our territory is checkered over with railroads and furrowed with canals.

Only by the great results a "Prussia QUADRUPLED" in his time, and the like can studious readers convince themselves, in a cold and merely statistic way. But in respect of Life to the Muses, we have happily the means of showing that in actual vitality; in practical struggle towards fulfillment, and how extremely disappointing the result was.