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The approximation of these two cases to sea-scurvy is peculiar, and may allow them to be called scorbutus pulmonalis. Had these been younger subjects, and the paralysis of the veins had only affected the lungs, it is probable the disease would have been a pulmonary consumption.

These valves, when shut, prevent any backward flow of the blood on the right side between the pulmonary artery and the right ventricle, and on the left side between the aorta and the left ventricle. General Plan of the Blood-vessels Connected with the Heart. There are numerous blood-vessels connected with the heart, the relative position and the use of which must be understood.

Deaths overset one. Then there's Captain Burney gone. What fun has whist now?" He proceeds, "I am made up of queer points. My theory is to enjoy life; but my practice is against it." The only hope he has, he says, is, "that some pulmonary affection may relieve me." "Some brains," as Ben Jonson says, "will endure but one skimming."

Two-thirds of all who die of tuberculosis die of the pulmonary, or lung, form of the disease, popularly called consumption. The first thing then to be done to put a stop to this frightful waste of human life every year is to stop the circulation of the bacillus from one person to another.

Under them he studied military exercises and tactics, entering with alacrity and zeal into the duties of his office. These pursuits were varied by a voyage to Barbadoes, and a residence of some months in that colony, in company with his brother Lawrence, who was sent there by his physicians to seek relief from a pulmonary complaint.

The glory lay in contrast, not in combination. Yet, to do them justice, they conceded a strong and stately beauty to their female saints, Catherine, Agnes, Agatha, Barbara, Cecilia, and the rest. It was reserved for the modern Pre-Raphaelites to attempt the combination of a maximum of saintliness with a minimum of pulmonary and digestive capacity.

General relaxed condition of muscles; engorgement of cerebral and pulmonary vessels. Congestion of gastric mucous membrane. Treatment. Emetics, stimulants, hypodermic injection of 1/25 grain of strychnine. Warmth to the surface by hot bottles, hot blankets. Method of Extraction from the Stomach.

No malady, once originated, has ever actually died out; many remain as potent as ever. That wasting fatal scourge, pulmonary consumption, is the same in character as when Coelius Aurelianus gave it description. The cancer of to-day is the cancer known to Paulus Eginæta. The Black Death, though its name is gone, lingers in malignant typhus.

Owing to marked symptoms of pulmonary disease he was warned by friends that he should not accept a position so laborious and so exhausting as the Speakership. It was beyond his strength. He died during the Congressional recess on the 19th of August, 1876, in the fiftieth year of his age.

They were not smiling at the storekeeper's return they looked very grave. Then somebody lifted him tenderly from the stage and said: "Don't you worry a mite, Cynthy. Jest tuckered, that's all." William Wetherell was "just tuckered." The great Dr. Coles, authority on pulmonary troubles, who came all the way from Boston, could give no better verdict than that. It was Jethro Bass who had induced Dr.