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It would therefore appear that the function of the valves in the veins is the same as that of the three sigmoid valves which we find at the commencement of the aorta and pulmonary artery, viz., to prevent all reflux of the blood that is passing over them.

There must have been a good deal of fever, as her colour was often higher than was formerly usual. It was this circumstance that continued to render her beauty even unearthly, without its being accompanied by the emaciation so common in the latter stages of pulmonary disease, though its tendency was strongly to undermine her strength.

Stange does not find that pulmonary conditions, as tuberculosis, pleurisy or bronchitis, interfere with this test. Jour. Med. With this apparatus he finds that a normal heart responds to exercise within its power by a diminution in size. The same is true of a good compensating pathologic heart.

The blood from the right side of the heart, in getting to the left side of the heart, only performs a half-circle it does not perform a whole circle it does not return to the place from whence it started; and hence the discovery of the so-called "pulmonary circulation" has nothing whatever to do with that greater discovery which I shall point out to you by-and-by was made by Harvey, and which is alone really entitled to the name of the circulation of the blood.

In a second order of the salamanders the gills are lost in the metamorphosis, and when fully grown they have only pulmonary respiration. In this fish-like condition they reach sexual maturity, and remain throughout life at the lower stage of the gilled Amphibia. It was formerly regarded as a permanent gilled amphibian persisting throughout life at the fish-stage.

"Well, no; not pulmonary disease. A kind of atrophy. I scarcely know what to call it. Now, look here, Kaye. This illness has thrown all my affairs into a muddle. Taken in conjunction with the depressed state of the money-market, it has been altogether an upset for me.

Possibly a very remote possibility the disease may have already attacked some organ of his body! But and upon this point I can take my stand with the confidence of absolute certainty the lungs of this so-called pulmonary sufferer are absolutely sound!" "My certie! Send I may live to foregather wi' Sir Jedbury Fargoe!" the Chief Medical Officer prayed inaudibly.

Those, whose mouths are dispersed on the external skin, imbibe a great quantity of water from the atmosphere, and a part of the perspirable matter, which does not evaporate, and are termed cutaneous absorbents. Those, which arise from the internal surface of the bronchia, and which imbibe moisture from the atmosphere, and a part of the bronchial mucus, are called pulmonary absorbents.

Teneriffe ranks close to Madeira, and the Valley of Orotava, scooped out of the flank of the famous peak, is recommended as simply perfection for sufferers from "pulmonary complaints, rheumatism or neuralgia," and beneficial even in Bright's disease. The thermometer in this happy valley stops at fifty-eight degrees in winter, and averages from sixty-eight to seventy-two degrees in summer.

From the right ventricle arises one large vessel, the pulmonary artery, which soon divides into two branches of nearly equal size, one for the right lung, the other for the left. Each branch, having reached its lung, divides and subdivides again and again, until it ends in hair-like capillaries, which form a very fine network in every part of the lung.