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Sponge now, seeing a red coat a little before, trotted on, and quickly overtook a fine nippy, satin-stocked, dandified looking gentleman, with marvellously smart leathers and boots a great contrast to the large, roomy, bargemanlike costume of the members of the Flat Hat Hunt. 'You're not hurt, I hope? exclaimed Mr. Puffington, with well-feigned anxiety, as he looked at Mr.

Well, book me for the next visit, added he. 'I will, said Sponge, 'and no mistake. What do they call your shop? 'Hanby House, replied Mr. Puffington; 'Hanby House anybody can tell you where Hanby House is. 'I'll not forget, said Mr. Sponge, booking it in his mind, and eyeing his victim. 'I'll show you a fine pack of hounds, said Mr.

Such was the case with poor Mr. Puffington, and such, we grieve to say, is the case with nine-tenths of the men who keep hounds; with all, indeed, save those who can hunt themselves, or who are blest with an aspiring whip, ready to step into the huntsman's boots if he seems inclined to put them off in the field.

Neighbouring masters of hounds are often more or less jealous of each other. No man in the master-of-hound world is too insignificant for censure. Lord Scamperdale was an undoubted sportsman; while poor Mr. Puffington thought of nothing but how to be thought one.

'Ah, I saw him, observed Mr. Sponge. 'You should come and see my hounds, observed Mr. Puffington. 'What are they? asked Sponge. 'The Hanby, replied Mr. Puffington. 'Oh! then you are Mr.

Puffington, a city gent. His father was a great confectioner in the Poultry, just by the Mansion House, and made his money out of Lord Mares. I shall only stay with him till I can get myself suited in the rank of life in which I have been accustomed to move; but in the meantime I consider it necessary for my own credit to do things as they should be.

Plummey then related how unsuccessful had been his attempts to get rid of the now most unwelcome guest. Mr. Puffington listened with attention, determined to get rid of him somehow or other. Plummey was instructed to ply Sponge well with hints, all of which, however, Mr. Sponge skilfully parried. So, at last, Mr.

They all seemed to know each other, and the nodding, and winking, and jerking, began as soon as we got across. Puff kindly acted as cicerone, or we should not have been aware of the consequence we were encountering. 'Well, Jemmy! exclaimed a debauched-looking youth to our friend, 'how are you? breakfasted yet? 'Going to, replied Puffington, whom they called Jemmy because his name was Tommy.

'I'm late, I guess, repeated he, as he now got navigated up to his host and held out his hand. 'Oh, never mind, replied Puffington, accepting as little of the proffered paw as he could; 'never mind, repeated he, adding, as he looked at the French clock on the mantelpiece now chiming a quarter past six, 'I dare say I told you we dined at half-past five.

Pacey has objected to a gentleman rider, and Guano and Puffington have differed on the point. Finding the point questioned, he abandons the 'handle', and sinks into plain Captain Boville. Pacey now objects to him altogether. 'S-c-e-u-s-e me, sir; s-c-e-u-s-e me, sir, simpers our friend Dick Bragg, sidling up to the objector with a sort of tendency of his turn-back-wristed hand to his hat.