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They was a time, Cap, whin 'twas seryously thought iv takin' ye fr'm th' Divvle's Own Island an' makin' ye prisident iv th' Women's Rescue League. But I'm afraid, Cap, ye're disqualified f'r that position be what we've heard fr'm ye'er own lips durin th' thrile. Ye lost a good job. Thin there ar-re some other things about ye I don't undherstand.

The stranger looked the young Hibernian in the face for a moment and answered: "I am not an American; but if President Madison knew what I have to say, he'd give me an attentive ear." Terrence was shrewd enough to read the face of the stranger, and he knew he had something of great importance to communicate. "Do yez want to see the prisident, really?" asked young Malone. "Certainly, I do."

McGaw's bondsman present?" asked the president, rising. Justice Rowan rose, and bowed with the air of a foreign banker accepting a government loan. "I have that honor, Mr. Prisident. I am willing to back Mr. McGaw to the extent of me humble possissions, which are ample, I trust, for the purposes of this contract" looking around with an air of entire confidence.

He must be a man competint f'r to avoid such pitfalls an' snares, so 'tis th' rule f'r to have him hang on to his job with th' thrust afther he gets to Washington. This keeps him in touch with th' business intherests. "F'r Sicrety iv War, th' most like wan is some good prisident iv a sthreet-car company.

'I'm as good a man as ye ar-re. "'Gin'ral Billot, says th' prisident, 'what d'ye know about this infernal case which is broodin' like a nightmare over our belovid counthry, an' gettin' us up ivry mornin' befure milkin' time? "'Nawthin' at all, says Gin'ral Billot. "'Nayther do I, says th' prisident. 'But I think th' Cap's guilty.

Didn't he come into my kitchen the noight the new Prisident was nominated and shtand afore the fire, lookin' loike a pictur', wid his hands in his shmall pockets, an' his innocent bit of a face as sayrious as a jedge? An' sez he to me: 'Mary, sez he, 'I'm very much int'rusted in the 'lection, sez he. 'I'm a 'publican, an' so is Dearest.

"'I did, says th' Cap. "'Throw it out thin, says th' prisident. 'We must be guided be th' laws iv ividence. Th' witness will confine himself to forgeries. Have ye e'er a forgery about ye'er clothes, mon gin'ral? "'I wish to confront th' witness, says Matther Blamange. "'Sit down," says th' prisident. "'D'ye raymimber meetin' me at dinner at Moosoo de Bozoo's.

I will go to bed an' think it over." I wint to bed. "Cap Dhryfuss is guilty," I cried. But no, I will confirm me ividince. I darted into me r-red pants. She projoosed a pack iv cards. She tur-rned a r-red king an' a black knave. "Th' Impror Willum an' Cap Dhryfuss," I says, in a fury. I burst forth. I had Cap Dhryfuss arristed. I dashed to th' prisident.

"'Colonel Schneider, says th' witness, 'th' Austhrich, whom I will designate, f'r fear iv internaytional entanglements, merely as Colonel Schneider, says to me, he says: "Th' letther pretindin' to be fr'm me is a forgery." "How's that?" says I. "Didn't ye write an' sign it?" I says. "I did," says he. "But some wan else sint it to th' pa-apers." "'Thin 'tis clearly a forgery, says th' prisident.

Ye'd made a good bookkeeper. If ever I get to be Prisident, I'll make ye me Sicretary av State." But the thing which really interested and enthralled Rourke was the coming of the masons those hardy buccaneers of the laboring world who come and go as they please, asking no favors and brooking no interference.