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Updated: August 3, 2024

"It is nothing the fellow had a knife, and he but it's only a trifle in the shoulder. I must be off!" The lightning had several times leaped sharply out of the hills; the wind was threshing the garden foliage, and now the rain roared on the tin roof of the veranda. As he spoke a carriage rolled into the grounds and came rapidly toward the porte-cochère. "I'm off please believe in me a little."

"Straight through the path there, about five minutes' walk, is my house. This key will admit you to the side door under the porte-cochere. Do you know what a porte-cochere is?" "Oh, yes, sir. Auntie has one with a sun parlor over it. That's the roof I slept on only I didn't sleep, you know. They found me." "Eh? Oh!

Another was posted in another corridor, into which I wandered by mistake; another stood in the inner court-yard, and another at the porte-cochere. They were not there the night before, and I know not whence nor why they came, unless that some officer of rank may have taken up his quarters at the hotel.

"Great!" he exclaimed, catching her enthusiasm and with it augmenting his own, "and guests leaving would first wave good-by at the porte-cochère just about where we are sitting. They'd clatter across the bridge, with their friends on the porch still fluttering handkerchiefs after them; they'd disappear into the trees over yonder and around through that cleft in the rocks.

In the porte-cochere stood Louvois himself, who, motioning them not to dismount, spoke a few low words, and then handed to each one a package of letters and a purse of gold. "Fly with all speed," said he, in his parting injunctions. "Kill as many horses as you list I pay for their carcasses; but see that at every station you arrive a full hour before the countess."

"I placed it there, that, tomorrow night, when it comes, you may recognize it. So soon as that rose-colored light appears at that window, it will be a signal to you that the funeral has left the chateau, and that you may approach safely. Come, then, to that window; I will open it and admit you. Five minutes after a carriage-carriage, with four horses, shall stand ready in the porte-cochere.

Then Saniel continued his walk like an ordinary passer- by until she had time to reach the first story; then, turning, he returned to the porte-cochere and entered quietly. By the gaslight in the vestibule he saw by his watch, which he held in his hand, that it was fourteen minutes after five o'clock.

The little crowd was increasing every moment, as the news spread through the house; the porte-cochère stood wide open, and outside in the street a fiacre could be seen, standing in the moonlight.

"Certainly, I understand," he answered quickly, as the car stopped under the vaulted porte-cochère. "You wouldn't be a woman if you didn't feel that way. All right; I'm in your hands. To the devil with the future American!" "That's better!" she laughed. Stuart shook hands with Bivens and was shocked to find him so weak.

The porte-cochere in general is fastened by a sliding bolt, from which a cord or wire passes into the porter's lodge. Whoever wishes to go out must speak to the porter, who draws the bolt. A visitor from without gives a single rap with the massive knocker; the bolt is immediately drawn, as if by an invisible hand; the door stands ajar, the visitor pushes it open, and enters.

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