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The uniforms of these gentlemen's gentlemen were really splendid, as we learn from the text rich plushes, velvets, gold lace, canes, &c.

The arch of the sky and the spread of sea and shore alone gave him space; he could roam with himself anywhere, in short, far or near he could only never take himself back. That certitude that this was impossible to him even should she wait there among her plushes and bronzes ten years was the thing he kept closest clutch of; it did wonders for what he would have called his self-respect.

But not one jot did M. Radisson lose of his kingly bearing, though he went to some fête in Versailles with beaded moccasins and frayed plushes and tattered laces and hair that one of the pretty wits declared the birds would be anesting in for hay-coils. In that Faubourg St.

That seemed the gradual and slow drawing aside of a dark curtain, from behind which came out with increasing distinctness, furniture, pictures, mirrors, candlesticks, vases, rugs, plushes, velvets, polish, gilt, mosaics, ivory, porcelain.

It is a great throwing and spinning centre." "Tell me something about the other States," demanded Pierre, his eyes wide open with interest. "Well, there is Connecticut that is a large silk-making district. About two-thirds of the machine twist is manufactured there; and they turn out both narrow and broad goods silks, velvets, plushes.

The apartment in which Richard lounged, and the rooms to the rear belonging with it, were richly appointed. A fortune had been spilled to produce those effects in velvets and plushes and pictures and bronzes and crystals and chinas and lamps and Russia leathers and laces and brocades and silks, and as you walked the thick rugs you made no more noise than a ghost.

And Nina loved nothing better than to torture the poor women who were stinted of pocket-money with the sight of shimmering satins, soft radiating plushes, rich velvets, embroidery studded with real gems, pieces of costly old lace, priceless scents, and articles of bijouterie; she loved also to dazzle the eyes and bewilder the brains of young girls, whose finest toilet was a garb of simplest white stuff unadorned save by a cluster of natural blossoms, and to send them away sick at heart, pining for they knew not what, dissatisfied with everything, and grumbling at fate for not permitting them to deck themselves in such marvelous "arrangements" of costume as those possessed by the happy, the fortunate future Countess Oliva.

Of course it is still cheaper to import certain kinds of velvets and plushes; but a great many of them are made here, as are the larger proportion of the velvet ribbons which are easily turned out on high-power machines." "What about silk hosiery and underwear?" questioned his mother, much interested. "Silk stockings and silk gloves, Uncle Adolph says, are a big American product.

The millionaire slept badly this second night in his pompous bed with columns and plushes that had belonged to Henry IV according to the declarations of the salesmen. The troops no longer were marching past.

And when you have done with the ribbons, and trimmings, and braids, and silks, and upholstery brocades, and satins, think of the velvets and plushes that can now be made in this country in all sorts of fancy designs on power-looms instead of on hand-looms as formerly.