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I know nothing except from what you tell me, for I have not yet looked at the reports of the proceedings; but let me, as an old man, who ought by this time to have profited by experience, say that when I was younger I found I often misinterpreted the intentions of people, and found they did not mean what at the time I supposed they meant; and, further, that as a general rule, it was better to be a little dull of apprehension where phrases seemed to imply pique, and quick in perception when, on the contrary, they seemed to imply kindly feeling.

No business man would attack an abuse that would take money out of his own pocket. And no one of us, except out of revenge or pique, would publicly criticize or condemn a man influential enough to do us harm. The political Saint George usually hopes to jump from the back of the dead dragon of municipal corruption into the governor's chair.

Richard, in pique, urged his horse violently against the French knight, in order to make him lose his stirrups; but William kept a firm seat, whilst the king fell under his horse, which came down in his impetuosity. Richard, more and more exasperated, had another horse brought, and charged a second time, but with no more success, the immovable knight.

Cunning as maniacs often are they are still maniacs, and betray themselves." "If not a maniac," said I, hoping to pique him, "he must be a man of stupendous and pitiable vanity, perhaps one of your constant- minded friends, whom you refuse to call bloodthirsty." "Constant-minded, perhaps; but why pitiably vain?" "Why?

The breach had become so wide, that Oliver would not have accepted the terms he had formerly offered. His object seemed to be to pique his nephew and niece, by showing them what they had lost.

"What is the matter?" he asked. "Oh, nothing. I had a dream," she said, with a slight flush. "Please tell it," he said, though he feared her answer. "You will not like it. Besides, it's too absurd." "You pique my curiosity. Tell it by all means." "Well, then, you mustn't be angry; and remember, I have no faith in sleeping vagaries.

If the reader will accompany us to a large waste house, from which a man had been some time before ejected, merely because Val had a pique against him, he may gather from the lips of the people themselves, there assembled, on the very night in question, sufficiently clear symptoms of the state of feeling in the neighborhood.

What petty pique, what small revenge, what expectation of a paltry triumph, had swelled the attributes of that sentiment she dignified with the name of love! but in the wild heart of the Thessalian all was pure, uncontrolled, unmodified passion erring, unwomanly, frenzied, but debased by no elements of a more sordid feeling.

And now she had an everlasting claim to his protection she should never know shame or want. And the love that had led to the wrong should, by fidelity and devotion, take from it the character of sin. Natural and commonplace sophistries! L'homme se pique! as old Montaigne said; Man is his own sharper! The conscience is the most elastic material in the world.

"If I contemplated a voyage with him I should try to start with a friend in the hold." Miss Van Osburgh's vague feeling of pique was struggling for appropriate expression. "I'm sure I don't see why you laugh at him; I think he's very nice," she exclaimed; "and, at any rate, a girl who married him would always have enough to be comfortable."