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"Yes," he said, and searched among the papers with which the desk was littered. "There was a telephone message just now " He found and consulted some pencilled memoranda. "You are to call at Sir William Thorogood's house at nine o'clock. There may be a letter or a message for you to take up to the Commander-in-Chief."

And suddenly making a gesture of apology he withdrew yet farther into the embrasure in which he stood, pulled a note-book out of his pocket, and tore from it a leaf on which, without modifying his handwriting otherwise than by slightly enlarging it, he pencilled these four lines: "A legend avers that the fig tree of Judas now grows at Frascati, and that its fruit is deadly for him who may desire to become Pope.

to the lotus-eaters' shore; to the outland landscapes of "The Palace of Art" the "clear-walled city by the sea," the "pillared town," the "full- fed river"; to the "pencilled valleys" of Monte Rosa; to the "vale in Ida"; to that tremendous upland in the "Vision of Sin": At last I heard a voice upon the slope Cry to the summit, Is there any hope?

That night, on going to bed, I forgot to prepare in imagination the Barmecide supper of hot roast potatoes, or white bread and new milk, with which I was wont to amuse my inward cravings: I feasted instead on the spectacle of ideal drawings, which I saw in the dark; all the work of my own hands: freely pencilled houses and trees, picturesque rocks and ruins, Cuyp-like groups of cattle, sweet paintings of butterflies hovering over unblown roses, of birds picking at ripe cherries, of wren's nests enclosing pearl-like eggs, wreathed about with young ivy sprays.

The prevailing hue of the upper plumage is olive green, but the forehead is yellow. There is also a yellow ring round the eye, and the lower parts are of varying shades of this colour. Some of the wing feathers are edged with yellow and some with crimson, so that the wings, when closed, look as though lines of these colours are pencilled upon them.

Enville, a member of the Local Board implicated in the said scandal. The proof was useless now, for the leader-page was made up. Nevertheless, Hilda carefully classified it "in case..." On a chair was The Daily Telegraph, which Dayson had evidently been reading, for it was blue pencilled.

He had pencilled on it some particulars relating to the diamonds, and laid it on the parcel before he closed up the safe." "Was anyone present when Mr. Hornby opened the safe in the morning?" asked Thorndyke. "No, he was alone," answered the lawyer.

He handed to Lord Chelford a parcel of those clever and elaborate forgeries, with which Lake had last furnished him, with a pencilled note on each, directing the date and town at which it was to be despatched. Years after, when Jim was emigrating, I believe Lord Chelford gave him a handsome present.

The moment I read the last name something curiously familiar about it suddenly struck me. Then in a flash I remembered the pencilled notice on Tommy's door, and the obliging "Miss Vivien" who was willing to receive his telegrams. The coincidence was a startling one, but I was too anxious to discover what George was doing to waste much time pondering over it.

"If you are Madame Helga," he answered. She came a little further into the room, looking at him with a slight frown contracting her pencilled eyebrows. He had no appearance of being a client. "You have brought a letter, then?" she asked. "My name is Bertrand Saton," he explained. "This letter was given to me in Paris more than a year ago, by an elderly lady.