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This is better than fried parsley, and may be rubbed on steaks, calf's liver, or any other dish of the kind. FRIED PATTIES. Mince a bit of cold veal, and six oysters; mix them with a few crumbs of bread, salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and a very small bit of lemon peel. Add the liquor of the oysters, warm all together in a tosser, but it must not boil, and then let it grow cold.

FOUR ENTREES. Marrow patties; Salmi of pheasants a la financiere; Sweet breads a la Saint Cloud; Mutton cutlets a la Vicomtesse. SECOND COURSE. Woodcocks; Grouse; Mince pies; Plum pud ding. SIX ENTREMETS. Broccoli with Parmesan cheese; Italian creams; Croute a l'Amanas; Salad a la Rachel; Meringues a la Parisienne; Punch jelly. THE form of invitations will be found on page 49.

It was with glass in hand and after listening to many brilliant speeches that I received for the following chapters on the budget of love, a sort of legislative sanction. The sum of one hundred francs was allowed for porters and carriages. Fifty crowns seemed very reasonable for the little patties that people eat on a walk, for bouquets of violets and theatre tickets.

When you make sweetmeat tarts, or a crocant tart, lay in the sweetmeats, or preserved fruit either in glass or china patties that are small, for that purpose; lay a very thin crust on the top, and let them be baked no more than till your crust is nicely coloured, and that in a slow oven.

You have receipts how to make crust for tarts; mince pies must be baked in tin patties, that you may slip them out into a dish, and a puff paste is the best for them.

At last, indeed, it seemed as though my efforts were to be crowned with success when George Harbinger appeared on the scene. He took to her at once and said that she was just the sort of girl his mother would like. He declared that Marion's oyster patties were things of pure delight and ought to be eaten to slow music. They even played draughts together and he always won.

Four meat patties, some hard-boiled eggs and slices of bread and butter, cakes, biscuits, milk, gooseberries, and apples, made a lunch fit for four queens. And the children fairly squealed with delight as they unrolled packet after packet. "We will have a table," cried Esther, springing up and spreading a newspaper on the seat for a tablecloth, "and lay everything out on it.

He passed several days without taking any food, and then ate so many patties of minced meat that he nearly died of indigestion.

When she was not keeping company with her brandy bottle, she was gorging herself with delicacies of all kinds, from patties and fricassées to peaches and nectarines, washed down with copious draughts of iced beer. As a last desperate effort to reform her, at the eleventh hour, the Regent packed de Riom off to his regiment.

'This, returned Mr Dombey, 'is some cold preparation of calf's head, I think. I see cold fowls ham patties salad lobster. Miss Tox will do me the honour of taking some wine? Champagne to Miss Tox. There was a toothache in everything.