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"Public business," answered Margaritis, interrupting him. "I pacificated Calabria under the reign of King Murat." "Bless me! if he hasn't gone to Calabria!" whispered Monsieur Vernier. "In that case," said Gaudissart, "we shall quickly understand each other." "I am listening," said Margaritis, striking the attitude taken by a man when he poses to a portrait-painter.

We quote by way of curiosity a sentence from the Sartor Resartus; which may be read either backwards or forwards, for it is equally intelligible either way: indeed, by beginning at the tail, and so working up to the head, we think the reader will stand the fairest chance of getting at its meaning: 'The fire-baptized soul, long so scathed and thunder-riven, here feels its own freedom; which feeling is its Baphometic baptism: the citadel of its whole kingdom it has thus gained by assault, and will keep inexpugnable; outwards from which the remaining dominions, not indeed without hard battering, will doubtless by degrees be conquered and pacificated. Here is a"... Sun Newspaper, 1st April, 1834.

"Public business," answered Margaritis, interrupting him. "I pacificated Calabria under the reign of King Murat." "Bless me! if he hasn't gone to Calabria!" whispered Monsieur Vernier. "In that case," said Gaudissart, "we shall quickly understand each other." "I am listening," said Margaritis, striking the attitude taken by a man when he poses to a portrait-painter.

The others, who had not the same ties of the heart, were supping together in the broad open space of the quarry, brilliantly illuminated a feast of separation and farewell; for, once out of France, the Vendee and Brittany pacificated, Conde's army destroyed, who knew when and where they should meet again in foreign lands. Suddenly the report of a shot fell upon their ears.

A mistake! the Vendee was pacificated, but the Abbe Bernier had not signed the peace; the Vendee was dead, but the Abbe Bernier was still alive. One day the Vendee was ungrateful to him. He wished to be appointed general agent to the royalist armies of the interior; Stofflet influenced the decision and got his old master, Comte Colbert de Maulevrier, appointed in Bernier's stead.

The judges saw plainly that on the accusation of being insurrectionists, the Vendee having submitted and Brittany being pacificated, they would have to be acquitted. That was not a result to satisfy the minister of police. Death awarded by a council of war would not have satisfied him; he had determined that these men should die the death of malefactors, a death of infamy.

To this letter were added a lieutenant-general's commission and the grand cordon of Saint-Louis. The First Consul had reached the point he desired. The Companions of Jehu were destroyed and the Vendee was pacificated. When demanding peace from England he had hoped for war. He understood very well that, born of war, he could exist only by war.

It is a greater testimony to the personal power and vigour of James than any mere details could give that, within eight years of the time when, a boy of sixteen, he had escaped from the power of the Douglas, it should be possible for him to leave, after all the wild anarchy of his minority, a pacificated and orderly kingdom behind him, in the care of a Council of Regency, while he went forth upon a mission so important to himself.

It was then that the acts of brigandage in the department of the Orne and the adjacent departments took place, acts that amazed both the authorities and the inhabitants of those regions, which had long been entirely pacificated; acts, moreover, which proved that these odious enemies of the government and the French Empire were in the secret of the coalition of 1809 through communication with the royalist party in foreign countries.

For the fire-baptized soul, long so scathed and thunder-riven, here feels its own Freedom, which feeling is its Baphometic Baptism: the citadel of its whole kingdom it has thus gained by assault, and will keep inexpugnable; outwards from which the remaining dominions, not indeed without hard battling, will doubtless by degrees be conquered and pacificated.