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Bolton continued, looking through the window curtain after Pen, as he went up the court with Bows; "there was a young gentleman from the city, that used to come in a tilbry, in a white at, the very image of him, ony his whiskers was black, and Mr. P's. is red. "Law, ma! they are a most beautiful hawburn," Fanny said.

For the lover of our British stock and the student of racial problems, I always think that Australia and its people offer a field of unique interest. I did not come upon Jim Gray, the slab-sided one, in Port Lawson, so was unable to bid him mind his ensanguined p's and q's.

I do now send you my Preface to the B p of S r m's INTRODUCTION to his third volume, which I desire you to print in such a form, as in the bookseller's phrase will make a sixpenny touch; hoping it will give such a public notice of my design, that it may come into the hands of those who perhaps look not into the B p's Introduction.

"I'm glad I'm not Harris." "Now then, Harris," said Crow, "mind how you dot your p's and q's, old man I mean your i's." Hawkesbury looked up from his work and said, smiling, "I think Mr Harris dots his i's very well. What did you say is entered in this column, Harris?" This was nothing short of a snub to Crow, who was quiet for the rest of the day.

'An', if ye see him, tell him ye met me Bill's my name Bill Gray, ye see an' tell him Oh, tell him I said to mind his y p's an' q's, ye know, an' be good to his y self. I readily promised that I would, and our conversation lapsed for a time, while Bill Gray filled his pipe, cutting the tobacco on the ball of his left thumb from a good-sized black plug.

Wen you is foolin' wid a cunjuh 'oman lack me, you got ter min' yo' P's en Q's er dey'll be trouble sho' 'nuff. "So co'se Solomon went down ter Aun' Peggy's dat night, en she gun 'im a roasted sweet'n' 'tater.

Friday, April 14 The day of the Chartists passed off with most ridiculous quiet, and the government is stronger than ever. . . . If the Alien Bill passes, our American friends must mind their p's and q's, for if they praise the "model republic" too loudly, they may be packed off at any time, particularly if they have "long beards," for it seems to be an axiom here that beards, mustaches, and barricades are cousins-german at least. . . . Mr.

Why wouldn't he have done just as well? He's as mad as she madder. He believes all the rubbish she does talks such rot, the people tell me, in his meetings. But then he's good company he amuses you you don't need to be on your p's and q's with him. Why wouldn't she have taken up with him? As far as money goes they could have rubbed along. He's not the man to starve when there are game-pies going.

The place suited him, and he was fond of it, although he grumbled sometimes about his grandfather, and went on as if his office was beneath him. He abused all his men, and all the good ones liked him, and respected him for his clear English. And he enjoyed this free exercise of language out-of-doors, because inside his threshold he was on his P's and Q's.

When people get it into their heads that they are being specially favoured by the Almighty, they had better as a general rule mind their p's and q's, and when they think they see the devil's drift with more special clearness, let them remember that he has had much more experience than they have, and is probably meditating mischief.