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Updated: August 13, 2024

The will, with him, was merely the motive in action; and as he compelled you to admit that no thought is, in man's experience, ever called into being, only developed from prior conditions, and that, even as to an idea, the doctrine Nihil nisi ex ovo is true, and therefore that no man can manufacture a motive, so he took a short way with the maintainers of a moral liberty.

If we add further, that the two old maxims of the natural scientists, omne vivum ex ovo and omne ovum ex ovario, have not been invalidated, in spite of all the searching for a generatio æquivoca, and that, even if the origination of the lowest organisms out of the inorganic could in future be proved, yet the truth of these maxims for all the higher organized individuals is established as a fact without exception.

Therefore, I think that the placenta should no longer be called a uterine liver, but rather a uterine lung. Although Mayow's attempted analysis of respiration of the chick embryo in ovo is less than successful, his views on fetal respiration were soon accepted by many, and his tract stands as a great contribution to physiological embryology.

You know Harvey's saying, omnia animalia ex ovo, all animals come from an egg. You ought to know it, for the great controversy going on about spontaneous generation has brought it into special prominence lately. Well, then, the ovum, the egg, is, to speak in human phrase, the Creator's more private and sacred studio, for his magnum opus.

It is this fact that has led to the most suggestive and beautiful phrase "The duality of all unity in nature." Many centuries ago an old Latin philosopher wrote the now celebrated phrase, Omne ex ovo, which, translated, means everything is from an egg. This is practically true of all life-forms. Their beginning is always from an ovum, or egg.

As my life and opinions are likely to make some noise in the world, and, if I conjecture right, will take in all ranks, professions, and denominations of men whatever, be no less read than the Pilgrim's Progress itself and in the end, prove the very thing which Montaigne dreaded his Essays should turn out, that is, a book for a parlour-window; I find it necessary to consult every one a little in his turn; and therefore must beg pardon for going on a little farther in the same way: For which cause, right glad I am, that I have begun the history of myself in the way I have done; and that I am able to go on, tracing every thing in it, as Horace says, ab Ovo.

Its beginnings may be found in medieval natural history, for as far back as 1651 Harvey had pointed out that all living things originate from somewhat similar germs, the terse dictum being "Ex ovo omnia." By the end of the eighteenth century many had turned to the study of developing organisms, though their views by no means agreed as to the way an adult was related to the egg.

At least that's what the editor says. 'Meleager ab ovo may be introduced with safety when you get as far as that, suggested Norman. 'Yes, you may bring him in too, if you like, said Charley, who was somewhat oblivious of his classicalities. 'Well, Sir Anthony is lying dead and the Baron is standing over him, when out come Sir Anthony's retainers 'Out out of what?

Now the place I saw them is forty miles from the sea, although not that distance from salt- water. T. says it is no proof that Eels are bred in fresh water because they may be found in ponds having no connection with a river the proof required is ab ovo. If we wait for this proof I fear we will have to wait for some time, for I fancy that no one but Mr.

After sustaining wars in Sicily and Apulia, and quelling the insurrection of Louis of Durazzo, who ended his days in the castle of Ovo, Louis of Tarentum, worn out by a life of pleasure, his health undermined by slow disease, overwhelmed with domestic trouble, succumbed to an acute fever on the 5th of June 1362, at the age of forty-two.

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