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Updated: August 16, 2024

Larkins at length rose to go, he looked into Parson John's face so drawn and white, and almost cursed the wretches who had brought such trouble upon that hoary head. The Overseer The service at the parish church Sunday morning was largely attended.

He was called up and questioned, and admitted that he had done so, and told the overseer that he did it by the order of Mrs. Galloway, and that she directed him to buy some sugar, &c. with the money. Mrs. Galloway gave Joe the lie; and he was terribly flogged. Joe told me he had been several times to the smoke-house with Mrs.

There were but two of us, my brother and I. He was an overseer of an adjoining plantation, when one day a slave escaped. He pursued him and was slain." "I have heard the story," interrupted Charles. "You have? and from his own lips?" "I have; and I do not blame the man who was seeking liberty. He was a white man, as you yourself are.

"How are ye, gentlemen?" says stout John Myers, the "obeshay," which is negro for "overseer." "I say, there! you Cuffee, that basket ain't half full o' corn. I s'pose you're goin' to clean out all the game by Chris'mas? You Cæsar, why don't you fill up old Chester's stall with trash?

The overseer was a reasonable sort of man, and I found old George had been as good as his word, and left word if a couple of men like me and Starlight came up we were to be put on with the next mob of cattle that were going to Queensland.

An' then the overseer he come out, an' driv' me off. 'You won't git me in there, says I to him, 'not so long's I've got my teeth to chaw sassafras, an' my claws to dig me a holler in the ground! But when I come along, he passed me on the road, an' old Sal Flint sut up by him on the seat, like a bump on a log.

Shyly Ted produced his magic fragment of paper which the overseer read with disapproval in his glance. "Well, since Wharton wants you tried out, you can pitch in with the crowd," grumbled he. "But I still think you're too young. I've had boys your age before and never found them any earthly use. However, you won't be here long if you're not that's one thing. You'll find a pitchfork in the barn.

The change was soon made, and Moreno, the Chilian overseer, grinned when he saw the white-robed figure of the manager's wife lying on one of the verandah lounges, playing with her child. "Bueno," he said to Sherard that night, as they drank together, "the plan works. Make the bird learn to love its pretty nest. Dios, when am I to feel my knife tickling Senor Prout's ribs?"

The term "good overseer," signifies one who can make the greatest amount of the staple, cotton for instance, from a given number of hands, besides raising sufficient provisions for their consumption. He has no interest in the life of the slave. Hence the fact, so notorious at the south, that negroes are driven harder and fare worse under overseers than under their owners."

Peter insisted on being treated as a common workman, and would not permit any difference to be made between him and his fellow-laborers. He also demanded the usual wages for his work. On one occasion, when the Earl of Portland and another nobleman came to the yard to have a sight of him, the overseer, to indicate him, called out, "Carpenter Peter of Zaandam, why don't you help your comrades?"

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