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Ils espérèrent si mal des ouvrages de tout genre commencé durant son cours qu'ils ne se faisaient pas couper d'habits pendant ce mois. The same superstition still prevails in Scotland. November 23. This is a splendid town. The sea penetrates it in several places with creeks formed into harbours, surrounded by buildings, and these again covered with fortifications.

But in the "Préface Personnelle" in the same volume, p. 35, M. Comte tells us: "Je n'ai jamais lu, en aucune langue, ni Vico, ni Kant, ni Herder, ni Hegel, &c.; je ne connais leurs divers ouvrages que d'après quelques relations indirectes et certains extraits fort insuffisants." Who knows but that the "&c." may include Hume? And in that case what is the value of M. Comte's praise of him?

I recommended to you a good many years ago, and I believe you then read, La maniere de bien penser dans les ouvrages d'esprit par le Pere Bouhours; and I think it is very well worth your reading again, now that you can judge of it better.

One word in conclusion: America may rest assured that her students of international literature will find in this series of 'ouvrages couronnes' all that they may wish to know of France at her own fireside a knowledge that too often escapes them, knowledge that embraces not only a faithful picture of contemporary life in the French provinces, but a living and exact description of French society in modern times.

The French have an appropriate designation for such works, which they call "ouvrages de longue haleine," and it has often happened that the haleine has closed before the work. Works of literary history have been particularly subject to this mortifying check on intellectual enterprise, and human life has not yielded a sufficient portion for the communication of extensive acquirement!

Renoir is as French as French can be, and he knows it: Lorsque je regarde les maîtres anciens je me fais l'effet d'un bien petit bonhomme, et pourtant je crois que de tous mes ouvrages il restera assez pour m'assurer une place dans l'école française, cette école que j'aime tant, qui est si gentille, si claire, de si bonne compagnie... Et pas tapageuse.

It may seem strange that such a master should have wished to have his slave made into a philosopher; but Garnier, the author of a "Mémoire sur les Ouvrages d'Epictète," explains this matter very well in a communication to Schweighaeuser.

Such were some of the errors with which Abelard was reproached. Whether they were actually contained in his writings, it is not so evident. We have only fragments of Abelard's writings to judge from, which have been collected by M. Cousin Ouvrages inedits d'Abelard and therefore cannot speak with certain knowledge of his opinions.

My system was touched upon in passing; and that gave me an opportunity to send a short essay to the illustrious author of the Histoire des Ouvrages des Savants, which he inserted in the month of May 1705, art. 9.

See also "Fragmens Philosophiques," Preface, second edition, p. XXVII.; "Nouveaux Fragments," pp. 9, 160. M. AD. FRANCK, "De la Certitude," Preface, p. M. A. JAVARI, "De la Certitude," p. 509. AMAND SAINTES, "Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Spinoza," pp. 208, 210. ABBÉ MARET, "Essai sur le Panthéisme dans les Sociétés Modernes," pp. 6, 11, 31.