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She found that her face felt stiff and expressionless after long hours of waiting, waiting, and an elderly woman who was playing a minor part showed her how to overcome this by stretching her face, feature for feature, as a dancer goes through limbering exercises in the wings. The woman had been a trouper in the old days of one-night stands.

I always have to read that first, he said, to make the damned stuff palatable. It will be ten years, he said, before the friend who sent me that clipping will have to drink any cider. To those looking for an exhilarating vacation let us commend a week of "trouping" on one-night stands with a theatrical company, which mirthful experience has just been ours.

I never had such an extended bridal trip. All one-night stands. I was with a musical comedy at the time, and I met my husband in Racine, Wis. I know that's an awful place to meet anybody, even your husband, but this is a sad and true tale. He was the leading juvenile with a one-two-three show, and such a handsome thing you never saw on the stage.

In a flash there came back to her what the company had done once when they were playing one-night stands and the wrong scenery had come for the play advertised. It was worth trying here. "Dear people," said Patsy O'Connell-St.

But very soon things settled down they always do when mixed with time and all were happy, or reasonably so, forever after. Herschel resigned from Brabandt's Orchestra and remained in Bath. He taught music, played the organ, became first violinist for Professor Linlay and later led the orchestra when Linlay was on the road starring the one-night stands and his beautiful daughter.

"They're playing Detroit this week," she would announce to the aloof and spectacled nurse. Or: "One-night stands, and they're due in Muncie, Ind., to-night. I don't know which is worse playing Muncie for one night or this moan factory for a three month's run." When she was able to crawl out as far as the long corridor she spoke to every one she met.

Laura rose hastily, and her face reddened. "I know. You thought it wasn't decent. Is that it?" "Oh, not exactly; only well, you see I'm gettin' along pretty good now. I got a little one-night stand theatre out in Ohio manager of it, too. The town is called Gallipolis." "Gallipolis?" she echoed, puzzled. "Oh, that ain't a disease," he smiled. "It is the name of a town.

He don't amount to shucks, as a magician; knows some of the old common tricks, but has never got beyond the rudiments, and never will. He is well enough for the provinces one-night stands and that sort of thing, you know but dear me, he oughtn't to set up for an expert anyway not where there's a real artist.

His eyes outshone the snow-glitter and he sang all the time he wasn't roasting me for being so slow claimed I was active as a toad-stool. A man ain't got no license to excite hisself unless he's struck pay dirt or got a divorce. "'Gi'me my mail, quick! he says to Windy, who had tinkered up a one-night stand post-office and dealt out letters, at five dollars per let.

It floated before me on the page like a picture, and underneath it stood the mournful line: Optima diesprima fugit. IN Lincoln the best part of the theatrical season came late, when the good companies stopped off there for one-night stands, after their long runs in New York and Chicago.