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In women, the external manifestations of a thymo-centric personality may be limited to thinness and delicacy of the skin, narrow waist, rather poorly developed breasts, arched thighs and scanty hair, with scanty and delayed menstruation. Or there may be obesity, with juvenility, if there is a repression of the pituitary secretion for one reason or other.

"Oh, for this very hot weather, I really don't think people notice or care much about " "'Notice'!" he wailed. "I guess Miss PRATT noticed! Hot weather's no excuse for for outright obesity!" I ask you to look at her back. You can see her spinal cord!" "Column," Mrs. Baxter corrected. "Spinal column, Willie." "What do I care which it is?" he fumed.

Wiles, he indited a note which, with a costly but exceedingly distasteful bouquet, rearranged by his own fat fingers, and discord and incongruity visible in every combination of color, he sent off by a special messenger. Then he proceeded to make his toilet, an operation rarely graceful or picturesque in our sex, and an insult to the spectator when obesity is superadded.

Louis XVIII. retained the throne, upon which the Allies had placed him, for eight years, until his death. He was a good-natured, kind-hearted old man, but so infirm from gout and excessive obesity, that he could with difficulty walk, and he was wheeled around his saloons in a chair.

Snagsby, otherwise than as he finds expression through these dulcet tones, is rarely heard. He is a mild, bald, timid man with a shining head and a scrubby clump of black hair sticking out at the back. He tends to meekness and obesity.

Margaret was a little surprised that he should call her teacher 'my darling, and that the good lady should seem to think it quite natural, but her reflections on obesity and the manners of theatrical people were interrupted, though not by any means arrested for the night, by the clattering sound of high-heeled shoes in the corridor.

She spoke with difficulty in a deep voice; she had a most voracious appetite. At a meeting of the Physical Society of Vienna on December 4, 1894, there was shown a girl of five and a half who weighed 250 pounds. She was just shedding her first teeth; owing to the excess of fat on her short limbs she toddled like an infant. There was no tendency to obesity in her family.

To struggle up a steep hill, over slipping shale-like stones, or through an undergrowth of holly and brambles, then to scramble down and to climb again, repeating the exercise every few hundred yards, may have a hygienic charm for those who are tormented by the dread of obesity, but to other mortals it is too suggestive of a holiday in purgatory.

Thanks to this hygienic regimen, none of the boarders fell ill with obesity, gout or any of those other ailments due to excess of food and so frequent in the rich. After preparing the meal and serving it, Petra postponed the dish-washing, and left the house to meet her son. Night had not yet fallen. The sky was vaguely red, the air stifling, heavy with a dense mist of dust and steam.

My maid is an excellent cook and one is very comfortable chez-moi." And often the prospect thus sketched would piquantly allure a client. Nevertheless at intervals she could savour a fashionable restaurant as well as any harum-scarum minx there. Her secret fear was still obesity.