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Who are your men? Have it done at once, Mr. Adjutant, and supply their places from my company, if need be. Now is there anything else?" The group was apparently "nonplussed," as the adjutant afterwards put it, by such unlooked-for complaisance on the part of the usually crotchety senior captain. Still, no one offered to lead the others and leave the room.

Moreover, this situation so frankly revealed by Stillwell had completed their deep mystification. They were now absolutely nonplussed by the singular character of American cowboys. Madeline was pleased to note how seriously they had taken the old cattleman's story. She had a little throb of wild expectancy that made her both fear and delight in the afternoon's prospect.

Most of the time he slept and, upon awakening, he seemed to feel stronger. Lane had been ill often during the last eighteen months, but after this illness there was a difference, inasmuch as he began to make surprising strides toward recovery. Doctor Bronson was nonplussed, and elated. Mel seemed mute in her gratitude.

He swallowed again, scraped the floor with the side of his right shoe, scratched the back of his neck, and then, trying to make his manner casual and easy, "Well I can't stand around here all day," he said. "I got to be gettin' on up the street." "Business, I suppose?" Penrod, turning to the door, suspected jocularity, but he found himself without recourse; he was nonplussed.

Announcements headed 'The Two Dromios, and 'Two Smallest Men, and Greatest Curiosities Living, as I expected, drew large crowds to see them, and many came especially to solve their doubts with regard to the genuineness of the 'Nutt. But here I was considerably nonplussed, for, astonishing as it may seem, the doubts of many of the visitors were confirmed!

The witness looked astonished, but pulled off the ring at once. "Here it is," said he. "Thank you, but I do not want it. I merely want you to look at your finger." The witness complied, evidently more nonplussed than disturbed by this command. "Do you see any difference between that finger and the one next it?" "Yes; there is a mark about my little finger showing where the ring has pressed."

For a moment the Greek was nonplussed and then, with a little smile and bow, he seated himself by the writing table. "I am very distressed at this happening," he went on, "and I am more distressed because I feel that as I introduced Lexman to this unfortunate man, I am in a sense responsible."

But she knew that the cause was lost, and I am quite sure anticipated the reply of Margaret Simprin Hetherington, which was to the effect that no lass, indoor or outdoor, was more willing to obey her mistress than she, but it would be in the place in which she had been hired to serve there and not elsewhere. For once my grandmother was nonplussed.

Not that in this particular case any painful experiments were in contemplation. The Professor tried the drug on a dozen or more quite healthy young animals with the strange result that they dozed off quietly, and never woke up again. This nonplussed Sebastian.

"The Chevalier du Cévennes?" The governor was nonplussed. The marquis here in search of the Chevalier? "I see that he is here," said the marquis, with a note of satisfaction. "No, Monsieur; not here, but has been." "He can be found?" "Within sixty hours." "That is well. I am very fortunate." "You will be my guest during your stay?" suggested the governor.