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Updated: July 31, 2024

Her newly-painted sides shone snow-white in the bright tropic sun, and her decks had been scrubbed and scrubbed again and again with soft pumice stone till they were as smooth to the touch as the breast of a sea-bird. Aloft, her brightly scraped spars and carefully tended running and standing gear matched her appearance below, and even the cabins had been thoroughly overhauled and repainted.

Lord Uplandtowers' eye fell upon the newly-painted door where the recess had formerly been. 'You have been carpentering in my absence then, Barbara, he said carelessly. 'Yes, Uplandtowers. 'Why did you go putting up such a tasteless enclosure as that spoiling the handsome arch of the alcove? 'I wanted more closet-room; and I thought that as this was my own apartment 'Of course, he returned.

In another he would find organising forces stoutly at work, newly-painted notice boards warning off vagrants, the roads and still cultivated fields policed by armed men, the pestilence under control, even nursing going on, a store of food husbanded, the cattle and sheep well guarded, and a group of two or three justices, the village doctor or a farmer, dominating the whole place; a reversion, in fact, to the autonomous community of the fifteenth century.

James's, where the chauffeur pulled up sharply at the door of one of the old-fashioned, though now newly-painted houses. Vermont sprang out and rang the bell twice. "Has Miss Lester returned yet?" he asked of the smart maid who opened the door.

She sets easy in the water. She will make as trim a fore and aft as ever left this harbor." He was now opposite the newly-painted black and green hull. "Massy!" he exclaimed, resting on his oars, "What's that on deck? A hen there? Somebody is wavin' suthin'. Something must be wrong there. Let me take a nearer look."

His eye fell upon a newly-painted tenement which had been recently converted into something between a shop and a private house, and which a red lamp, projecting over the fanlight of the street door, would have sufficiently announced as the residence of a medical practitioner, even if the word 'Surgery' had not been inscribed in golden characters on a wainscot ground, above the window of what, in times bygone, had been the front parlour.

You have the streets of a metropolis without their animated bustle you have the stillness of the country without its birds and flowers. The reader will please to bring before him a quiet street in the quiet country town of C , in a quiet evening in quiet June; the picture is not mirthful two young dogs are playing in the street, one old dog is watching by a newly-painted door.

The sun, not yet far above the horizon, threw a rosy light over the steely silkiness of its broad surface. Five carpenters were busy about the raft, a newly-painted boat was lightly rocking from side to side, creating a gentle ripple over the water. The men rarely spoke, and then in somewhat preoccupied tones.

Williamson's house which continued for a long time and it appeared to proceed from one of the lower rooms. On inquiring next day of Mr. Williamson what was the cause of the disturbance he took the lady into a large dining-room, where she found about fifty newly-painted blue barrows with red wheels all ranged along the room in rows.

If the great Napoleon may be forgiven for losing his temper when at five in the afternoon from the slope of La Belle Alliance he watched the Prussians breaking through the opposite woods, while Grouchy yet tarried, let it be pleaded in excuse for Mr. Gavel that ever since eleven a.m. he had been awaiting the arrival of his six newly-painted horses.

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