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During the space between the passing of sentence and its execution an accident happened which added grievously to all his misfortunes. His wife, big with child, coming about a fortnight before his death to see him in Newgate, was run over by a dray and killed upon the spot.

"The girl's fooled him," muttered Dorrimore between his set teeth. "That wouldn't matter a tinker's curse, but she's fooled us as well. Rofflash, I've a mind to pick a quarrel with the fellow and pink him." "And get yourself landed in Newgate. Don't you know, sir, it's against the law to draw a sword in the Park? If you're going to be so mad, I'll say good evening.

I should think myself very much to blame, did I here neglect to do justice to my esteemed friend Mr. Akerman, the keeper of Newgate, who long discharged a very important trust with an uniform intrepid firmness, and at the same time a tenderness and a liberal charity, which entitle him to be recorded with distinguished honour .

The former, including Lords Stafford, Powis, Petre, Bellasis, and Arundel of Wardour, were committed to the Tower, the latter to Newgate prison. At the end of his examination he was several times asked if he knew more of the plot, or of those concerned with it, to which he emphatically replied he did not.

On Monday they visited the two Houses of Parliament, and in the evening they wed to the Polytechnic. On Tuesday they went over the old prison of Newgate, and in the evening they heard a celebrated philanthropist lecture at Exeter Hall.

We smile at first, and are amused, and wonder, as we proceed, that the humorous narrative should produce conviction and pity shame, abhorrence, and despair. England seems to have treated Ireland much in the same way as Mrs. Brownrigg treated her apprentice for which Mrs. Brownrigg is hanged in the first volume of the Newgate Calendar.

Work your way round to Holborn and try a run west,” Mr Bunker suggested. So after a little they struck Newgate Street, and presently their steed stretched himself again in Holborn Viaduct. “Gaining now, cabby?” “A little, sir, I think.” Mr Bunker sat placidly till they were well along Holborn before he inquired again. “Can’t get rid of ’im no ’ow. Afride it ain’t much good, sir.”

If the prisoner had been a brigand and a murderer, if he had committed every non-political crime in the Newgate Calendar and out of it, nothing would have been easier than for a man of any court or priestly influence to obtain his release. As it was, nothing could have been more difficult.

I told you I suspected that long friend of his of having made my acquaintance somewhat unpleasantly, and I therefore doubted of Clifford himself. Well, my dear friend, this Clifford is whom do you think? no other than Mr. Lovett of Newgate celebrity!" "You do not say so!" rejoined Brandon, apathetically, as he slowly gathered his papers together and deposited them in a drawer.

The boy's imagination was set on fire; he devoured the book; he almost got it by heart; and he was soon seized, and ever after haunted, by a strange presentiment that his fate would resemble that of the wretched adventurer whose history he had so eagerly read, It might have been supposed that the prospect of dying in Newgate, with a back flayed and an eye knocked out, would not have seemed very attractive.