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Having deposited his handbag and umbrella on the sofa, he seated himself in the easy-chair, and began to blow his nose with vigour. 'Set down, Jowey; set down, bo-oy! Down't be afride of your awnt. 'Oi ain't afride! cried the youth, in a tone which supported his assertion. Mrs. Peak trembled with annoyance and indecision.

"I was afride at first that I shouldn't get a chaunce to go down into the fore-peak without bein' noticed; but `the doctor' made that right by asting for somebody to fetch him up a bit more coal. Which I offered to do for him.

Liza trembling all over, and in her terror threw herself against Jim, who put both his arms round her, and said: 'Don't be afride, Liza; it's all right. At last the men sprang, there was a scuffle, and the wretch was killed, then came the scene depicted on the posters the victim's son knocking at the door, on the inside of which were the murderers and the murdered man.

Work your way round to Holborn and try a run west,” Mr Bunker suggested. So after a little they struck Newgate Street, and presently their steed stretched himself again in Holborn Viaduct. “Gaining now, cabby?” “A little, sir, I think.” Mr Bunker sat placidly till they were well along Holborn before he inquired again. “Can’t get rid of ’im no ’ow. Afride it ain’t much good, sir.”