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Updated: August 23, 2024

Lampron went straight to his works. I should have awarded them the medaille d'honneur; an etching of a man's head, a large engraving of the Virgin and Infant Jesus from the Salon Carre at the Louvre, and the drawing which represents "Great Heavens! Sylvestre, she's perfectly lovely; she will make a great mistake if she does not come and see herself!"

"Aussitôt que cette médaille sera frappée, je m'empresserai de vous la faire parvenir. "En attendant je saisis avec bien du plaisir cette occasion pour vous renouveler, Monsieur, les assurances de ma considération très distinguée. "À MONSIEUR FLENIKEN, Chargé d'Affaires des Etats Unis d'Amérique." "Copenhagen, 6th October, 1848.

Ugalde; the "Haymaker," etc. <b>COOKESLEY, MARGARET MURRAY.</b> Decorated by the Sultan of Turkey with the Order of the Chefakat, and with the Medaille des Beaux Arts, also a Turkish honor. Medal for the "Lion Tamers in the Time of Nero." Member of the Empress Club. Born in Dorsetshire. Studied in Brussels under Leroy and Gallais, and spent a year at South Kensington in the study of anatomy. Mrs.

Rockwell and Hall received the Medaille Militaire and the Croix de Guerre, and Thaw, being a lieutenant, the Legion d'honneur and another "palm" for the ribbon of the Croix de Guerre he had won previously. Thaw, who came up from Paris specially for the presentation, still carried his arm in a sling.

But out of respect for the royal blood, the Dauphin has credited a townsman with that which happened to the Lady of Cany. It is given under the title of "La Medaille a revers", in the collection of which it is one of the brightest jewels, and commences the hundred. But now for mine.

On the top sheet were carefully gummed various entries from the biographical dictionaries in which mention was made of John Dampier and his career. There followed a eulogistic newspaper article containing an account of the picture which had won the artist his Medaille d'Honneur at the Salon two years before.

He bore up bravely, and became the favourite of the wounded officers in whose ward he lay. Balsley was awarded the Medaille Militaire and the Croix de Guerre, but the honours scared him. He had seen them decorate officers in the ward before they died. Then came Chapman's last fight.

The dingy waistcoated, alpaca-sleeved porter, wearing the ribbon of the Medaille Militaire on his breast, came forward. At six o'clock, while he was sweeping the hall, an automobile drew up outside. He said: "Whom are you come to fetch? The Queen of Spain?" And the chauffeur told him to mind his own business. At that moment the bell rang. He went up to the etage indicated.

Lampron went straight to his works. I should have awarded them the medaille d'honneur; an etching of a man's head, a large engraving of the Virgin and Infant Jesus from the Salon Carre at the Louvre, and the drawing which represents "Great Heavens! Sylvestre, she's perfectly lovely; she will make a great mistake if she does not come and see herself!"

While on "516" we had been in Bulgaria; now we returned to Serbia, and were halted at the village of Valandova. There had been a ceremony that afternoon. A general, whose name we may not mention, had received the medaille militaire. One of the French correspondents asked him in recognition of which of his victories it had been bestowed. The general possessed a snappy temper.

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