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The Government, that is, the aristocracy of lawyers and bankers who represent the country to-day, just as the priests used to do in the time of the monarchy, has felt the necessity of mystifying the worthy people of France with a few new words and old ideas, like philosophers of every school, and all strong intellects ever since time began.

Nor is his object, in returning to this particular one, of a very definite character; but rather because a vague idea or instinct has come into his mind which prompts him to the act a sort of presentiment that he may there see something to throw light on much of what has been all along mystifying him.

Then, meeting something more than usual in his look, she quickly dropped her eyes again, and over her manner there came that mystifying air of shyness and reserve, as if some invisible attendant had wrapped about her an impenetrable veil.

The ordinary physical phenomena of spiritism have almost without exception been duplicated by conjurers many of whom have mystifying tricks of their own no medium can duplicate and even the most unusual phenomena, such as Home's apparent ability to handle fire unburnt and his levitation can be paralleled in savage rites or the performance of Indian fakirs, to which no professedly spiritistic explanation is attached.

My fingers interlocked in nervous movements. Why hadn't the girl told Selwyn? Why was she shielding Harrie? Would she tell me or Mrs. Mundy what she would not tell Selwyn? I could send Mrs. Mundy to her now could break the silence which was mystifying to her. Selwyn's hands moved as though to rid them of all further responsibility. "You can't do anything with people like that.

"Say, Dade," he asked irrelevantly and with a mystifying earnestness, "which do you think would kill a man quickest a slash across the throat, or a stab in the heart?" "I wouldn't call either one healthy. Why?" "I was just wondering," Jack returned ambiguously. "If you hadn't happened along say, how did you happen to come? Was that another sample of my fool's luck?"

But the action of the vocal cords is but the first part of the unscientific controversy. What takes place above the vocal cords is equally mystifying. The offices of the pharynx, the mouth, the nasal cavities, the entire structure of the head in fact, are rich in uncertainties.

"He is reading his work to us," said Gatien to Madame Popinot-Chandier's son. "From the first word, ladies," said the journalist, jumping at an opportunity of mystifying the natives, "it is evident that the brigands are in a cave.

Peter went to the window to open it to the altered air, and in doing so beheld at the garden gate the humble "growler" in which a few hours before he had seen Mrs. Ryves take her departure. It was unmistakable he remembered the knock-kneed white horse; but this made the fact that his friend's luggage no longer surmounted it only the more mystifying.

I tossed about through the night, sleeping little, and in the morning rose up unrefreshed, and set about the examination of the papers and books intrusted to my care by my departed friend. And oh, the stuff I found there! If I was depressed at starting in, I was stupefied when it was all over, for the collection was mystifying to the point that it stunned.