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There are times when the most that we can do is to trust even in the great darkness, 'Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him. Submissive silence is sometimes the most eloquent confession of faith. 'I was dumb, I opened not my mouth, because Thou didst it. The blessed results of such faith. It is implied that we may find all that we need, and more, in God. Have we to mourn friends?

Let those transform themselves into nuns who have sins upon their consciences, or sorrow within their hearts: you can have had no greater loss to mourn than the flight of a canary, or the death of a greyhound." The maiden's eyes glistened with tears. "Your highness, I have lost a mother." "Oh, how unfeeling of me to have forgotten it!" exclaimed the duchess.

Yet morning smiles the busy race to cheer, And new-born pleasure brings to happier men; The fields to all their wonted tribute bear; To warm their little loves the birds complain: I fruitless mourn to him that cannot hear, And weep the more, because I weep in vain."

'Miss Allen, said the tragedian, 'unless I am much mistaken, you will not long have to mourn that unpleasant condition of affairs. 'Are your parents aware of your design, Miss Allen? This from the lady. 'I have no parents, faltered Barbara. 'I am living with my uncle. 'Does he know your wishes in this matter? 'No, said Barbara, and the feeling of guilt returned.

The leading women mourners will often express in weird chant and appropriate words their praises of the virtues and the beauties of the departed ones. The men of the household mourn in silence, as it is not fitting that the man should audibly express his sorrow in public.

Beautiful indeed Deianira looked now that she had ceased to mourn for her brother, for the laughter that had been under her grief always now flashed out even while she looked priestess-like and of good counsel; her dark eyes shone like stars, and her being had the spirit of one who wanders from camp to camp, always greeting friends and leaving friends behind her.

For a cold and brutal foe of womanhood had died unhonored in their midst, and none were left to mourn. With much pretentious wagging of shapely heads, and much mysterious innuendo, they spoke lightly of the departed one, and failed not to mentally unroof the Silver Bungalow. The baffled ladies scented a social mystery!

But habit is a seaman's philosophy, and in no one feature is his character more respectable than in that manliness which disinclines him to mourn over a misfortune that is inevitable. The Montauk now resembled a tree stripped of its branches, or a courser crippled in his sinews; her glory had, in a great degree, departed.

I daren't face his grandmother, and tell her that he is gone. But, boys, I am sorry for you. You are young and full of life, and there are many who love you on shore, and will mourn your loss." "What, do you think that the ship is going down?" exclaimed Harry and David together, in a very natural tone of dismay.

But, while we mourn his death, we feel that his spirit still lives, and will inspire the whole army with his indomitable courage and unshaken confidence in God, as our hope and strength. Let his name be a watchword to his corps, who have followed him to victory on so many fields. Let his officers and soldiers emulate his invincible determination to do every thing in defence of our beloved country.